3 Free Fire Tips on One-on-one Battle

In 1v1 battle, usually movement and terrain utilization is the most important factor. You need to pay attention to every factor so that the enemy will be having difficulties trying to beat you.


When you play Free Fire, a battle with the enemy is inevitable, and especially 1v1 battle. People think that the aiming skills is the key. Is it?

In 1v1 battle, usually movement and terrain utilization is the most important factor. You need to pay attention to every factor so that the enemy will be having difficulties trying to beat you. By paying attention to these factors, you can beat your enemy in a duel, even if your skill is way below your enemy. Here’s some tips that we can give you in order to get better in 1v1 battle in Free Fire.

1. Utilize the Terrain Height

Elevation or height will be very advantageous for you, especially in shooter game where corners is a really important factor. When you’re involved in a 1v1 battle and you see a chance to move to a higher ground, try to move immediately. Higher ground will give you a better sight. As you shoot your enemy, the hit percentage rate will be higher and your enemy will be having a hard time shooting back at you due to your height. Height will also affect the camera. Because when you see below from higher ground, you’ll have way better point of view rather than in lower ground. The enemy’s vision will sometimes get disrupted by the sky light.

2. Utilize Every ObstaclePro Tips free fire

There are many obstacle in Free Fire. It includes walls, houses, windows, rocks, trees, etc. It will really help you as you play in TPP. In playing TPP you’ll have more area visible. And it will be advantageous because you’ll have better vision than your enemy if you’re hiding properly before an ambush. For instance, if you’re hiding in a corner of a wall, you can hide while scouting an enemy rushing towards you. Once they get close enough, you can easily take position to ambush your enemy.

3. Playing Aggresively

This strategy can be suitable for you aggresive-type of player. In 1v1 battle, especially in an open area, try to keep moving as you battle your enemy, and try to jump around if possible. You can turn the table this way by making your enemy run out of ammo and reloads. And in close range, try to use the SMG or a shotgun in this case.

4. Utilize Your Equipment

In Free Fire, gloo wall is a very strong defensive tool and you can use it in a battle. Try to use the gloo wall as a distraction. Or you can also use it for self defense. You can try to use a flashbang or a grenade when you’re in a 1v1 battle.

That’s some tips that we can give you to gain advantage in a 1v1 battle. Try not to panic in a 1v1 battle and use these tips if you can. This way you can turn the table if you’re pinned in every battle.