3 Function of a Destroyed Vehicle in Free Fire (FF)

a destroyed vehicle actually still has a function. Here we have some function of a destroyed vehicle in Free Fire.


In Free Fire, there is a feature that you can use to travel faster around the map as you play. This feature is a vehicle feature. You can easily find any vehicle in the map for you to travel faster. However, your enemy can destroy your vehicle, making it immobilized. But don’t worry, because a destroyed vehicle actually still has a function. Here we have some function of a destroyed vehicle in Free Fire.

We also have some tips on how to become a bait in Free Fire to help your team kill your enemy,

3 Function of a Destroyed Vehicle in Free Fire (FF)

To block an enemy inside a house

In Free Fire, there are some games that is useful for players to hide or camp into. And all of you must have known that there is a really tiny house in Free Fire that players can use to hide in it.

There is a window and a door in this house, which is why you need two vehicles to do it. First, you need to make sure that your enemy enters the building by luring them towards it. After that, block the window and the door with a gloo wall and the vehicle. After that, you can destroy your vehicle to trap your enemy inside the house.

To defend yourself with the vehicle in Free Fire

If you destroy your vehicle for many reasons, don’t think that your vehicle no longer has a function in the game. There is still a functionality in a broken vehicle that you need to know.

Let me put it this way. You’re in a battle with your enemy, and the enemy surrounds your position that your vehicle cannot move anymore. In this case, it is better and safer to destroy your vehicle, and use it for cover. This is a really useful tip for you to remember in tough situations like that.

To block a narrow street

The last thing that you can do is to block a narrow street in the game. If you have some enemy on your tail, you can try this tip to survive in the game. If you have nowhere to go and the enemy is chasing you, you can simply block their way with the vehicle that you have. Make sure that you destroy your vehicle in the right place. So your enemy will have to find another way around to chase you down. This way you will easily flee and survive from your enemy.

And that’s some function of a destroyed vehicle in Free Fire that you need to know in order to survive. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!