3 Things to Avoid Increase K/D PUBG Mobile Season 16

Avoid these 3 things to increase the K / D ratio in PUBG Mobile Season 16 to be able to make you the best player this season.


Currently PUBG Mobile has entered a new season, namely Season 16 with the theme Metro. Every player is trying to push rank and increase the K / D ratio this season. In line with that, avoid these 3 things to increase the K / D ratio in PUBG Mobile Season 16 to ensure your K / D ratio is safe in this new season.

PUBG Mobile is a very competitive battle royale game with the enactment of a rank system. Here players try hard to be able to do push rank in each season. Including to increase the K / D ratio.

Currently in Season 16 Metro, which has just arrived, players are back to doing push rank and increasing their K / D ratio to get the highest rank and level. Later, at the end of the season, they can harvest all their businesses by getting various attractive prizes typical of Season 16 Metro.


Avoid these 3 things to increase k / d ratio in PUBG mobile season 16


Avoid locations with high popularity levels

The first thing that PUBG Mobile players should avoid in order to increase the K / D ratio in the game is a location with a high level of popularity on the map. Avoid hot drop locations because there many players will go down to target abundant and quality loot items.

Avoiding these crowded places will make your chances of surviving the game even greater. This is because you will avoid a barbaric war that can kill you from the start of the game. The sooner you die in the game, it will reduce your K / D ratio level.


Avoid choosing teammates randomly

In playing squad or duo mode, players will play with their teammates. If the game skills of his teammates are bad, it will make the team’s performance in the game worse. That will make it easier for the player to die than to survive.

With such conditions it will certainly reduce the player’s K / D ratio. Therefore, in playing squad or duo mode, players should first prepare teammates whose game skills are known. Don’t choose teammates randomly or randomly in the game because you don’t understand the game skills of these players.


Avoid being a rusher

The third thing to avoid is playing as a rusher. It may sound strange but it is something that must be considered. If you usually play as a rusher then pay attention to the playing skills of your teammates. Can they support you while rushing?

If you don’t think so, you should give up being a rusher. Not to mention if the conditions in the arena are not possible. Being a rusher means you have to be ready to set up a body for the team. Must be at the forefront when war. And that will make your chances of getting killed in the game even greater.


By reading the tips above, avoid these 3 things to increase the K / D ratio in PUBG Mobile Season 16. By avoiding the 3 things above, you can make sure you won’t get killed easily in the game. Thank you!