4 Best Character for a Ranker in Free Fire (FF)

But some characters are also suitable for almost any roles in a squad. So here we have some of the best character for a ranker in Free Fire.


In Free Fire, there are many characters that you can use, with different skills and different appearance. You can find out which characters that suits you best, by getting to know their skills for each character. Each character has a suitable skill for specific roles. But some characters are also suitable for almost any roles in a squad. So here we have some of the best character for a ranker in Free Fire.

4 Best Character for a Ranker in Free Fire

DJ Alok

DJ Alok is one of the most popular character in Free Fire. He is popular due to the flexibility that this character has. And also, Alok is an adaptation from a real person in Brazil. His skill is that he can increase his healing capability and the movement speed. That skill makes him a flexible character, where he can play in any roles in a squad effectively. Other than that, this character is also easy to use for beginners, and also powerful for experts.


Kelly is an agile character, if you compare it with other character. This character’s skill is actually pretty average, but very deadly if you’re using it right. She can attack an enemy really fast, and she is able run faster than anyone else in the game. Due to the sprinting skill, she can move faster than anyone else.


Joseph is a character that you can use easily in the game. With a simple skill that he has, it doesn’t mean that this character is useless. His skill is really simple, where he will increase his movement speed after an enemy hits him. With his skill, he can evade an enemy really fast. However, if you’re confident enough that you can win, you can easily counter an enemy with his skill.


Laura is a sharpshooter character that is able to increase her firing accuracy, with any weapons that is using a scope. There are many weapons that you can attach with a scope. There’s even some weapons with a scope attached to it. If you feel like your aiming skill is not good enough, you can use this character to help you leverage your firing accuracy in the game.

And that’s some of the best character for a ranker in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!