5 Reasons to Ban Hero Zhuxin Mobile Legends (ML)

Mobile Legends has many new updates that you can try in the game. This time you can find out 5 Reasons to Ban Hero Zhuxin Mobile Legends (ML), of course with that you can try to find out.

Mobile Legends players are certainly increasingly curious about the latest updates in the game. There are many new contents, including the latest heroes, that can be seen. This is also what makes players want to know the various changes that exist.

You can try to find out what the more detailed discussion will be later in the article, but before that, there’s no harm in finding out about the Mobile Legends Hero Role Types that are available this time.

In this article, you will be able to find out some reasons why you should ban the hero Zhuxin in the MLBB game. Of course, this makes you curious, so just take a look at the discussion this time.

5 Reasons to Ban Hero Zhuxin Mobile Legends (ML)

Area of Effect Wide

The first thing that is the advantage of the hero Zhuxin himself is the AOE skill which is quite wide. By using a skill that has a wide range, of course, it can make the opposing hero quite difficult.

Have CC Skill

In addition, the hero Zhuxin himself also has several skills that have Crowd Control effects, effects such as knock up, slow and others, of course you can take advantage of the skills possessed by the mage hero.

Has High Damage

Then also for the damage given itself is quite high, with the DPS given by the hero of course it can be used to give damage to the opponent and even do not expect to be able to finish him off.

Hero War

This hero is also very strong when going to war, this happens because the skills he has, such as wide AOE and also having Crowd Control, make Zhuxin superior when going to war later.

Strong Highground

There is also one of its advantages, namely that it is quite strong in terms of its highground, this happens because the range and damage given by the hero are quite difficult to be stopped by his opponent.

So those are the reasons that you can try regarding the hero Zhuxin must be banned later when you play. Of course that way you can understand and you can know what things to do.

Earlier we explained about the reasons why the hero Zhuxin had to be banned when playing in the MLBB game. Clearly from the discussion you can understand and what do you think about the topic this time?