5 Types of Players in Free Fire (FF) Lobby

Before you play the match in Free Fire, you will have to wait for a while in the lobby. Here we have some types of players in Free Fire lobby that you need to know.


Before you play the match in Free Fire, you will have to wait for a while in the lobby. In the lobby, you will meet with the players that you will fight with later on. While you wait, you will meet with many type of players in the game. You can actually determine which one is the dangerous opponent for you by looking at what they’re doing in the lobby. Here we have some types of players in Free Fire lobby that you need to know.

5 Types of Players in Free Fire (FF) Lobby

The Quiet One

This is a type of players who is just standing still without doing anything. These types of players is usually the one that is ready for a fight, so they usually don’t want to get involved in all the fun available in the lobby.

These types of players might be busy with something else in the real world. Or they can also be thinking about the right strategy to win the game. But usually, a bot is also the one standing still in the Free Fire lobby.

Emote show off

In the Free Fire lobby, you will also find many players that shows off their emote that they have. Some of these players will even spam their emote to get attention from other players.

There is a new make it rain emote in Free Fire that you can purchase in the shop. Most players that already has this emote, tend to show off their new emote in the lobby. If there is a player that has many emote, they will tend to show off different emote every time to gain attention.

Players that attacks others in the Free Fire lobby

The next thing that you must have find in the lobby is the players that always attack others in the game. These type of players usually always disturb others by punching them or shooting at them.

However, you better be aware of the weapon that they use. Because it is usually the same weapon that they will use in the game. These players usually use the weapon in the lobby as a warm up session for them before the match begins.

Players that actually prepares for the match

These type of players is usually the ones that you must be aware of. It is usually the truly skilled players that do this in the Free Fire lobby. You can identify these type of players by looking at their movement and gesture in the lobby. Usually they’re doing a movement like a jumpshot or a flick to warm themselves up before the match begins.

Spam DJ Alok’s skill

The last type of players in the lobby that you often find is the players that will spam Alok’s skill in the lobby. These players usually spam Alok’s skill to show everyone that they’re using Alok as their character. Don’t be threatened by these type of players since your own skill is the one that matters more than character.

And that’s some type of players that you will find in the Free Fire lobby. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!