10 Most Complete and Updated Mobile Legends Roles

The roles in Mobile Legends are indeed the most basic and are listed by Esportsku for easy reading.

This time there are the most complete types of Mobile Legends Roles and ML Updates that you should know. By knowing the various roles of mobile legends, you can put yourself in your skills when playing this mobile legend. The roles in Mobile Legends are indeed the most basic and are listed by Esportsku for easy reading.

In this discussion, we will discuss what roles are in the Mobile Legends game.

Role Mobile Legends is the distribution of heroes in Mobile Legends that are adjusted to abilities, skills, and functions in ML

When playing Mobile Legends, you are given 6 different types of ML hero roles. There are tanks, fighters, mages, assassins, marksmans, and support. This type of mobile legends role has different advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, there are 4 types of roles based on lane as many as 4 types of mobile legends roles. There are roamers, junglers, Sidelaners (gold lane and exp lane), and Midlaner

These types of roles have their respective functions and uses in every match in the mobile legends (ML) game.

10 Most Complete and Updated Mobile Legends Roles

1. Role Tank

For us, we will first discuss the Role of Mobile Legends Tank. Tanks have a very important role in the battle of this game. The tank is the command of this game where the most important task is to cover the core (the attacking hero of the team).

And don’t forget the task that is no less important. Namely the open map (opening the view of the small map that is above the screen in the left corner. That the cores can find out the opponent’s Hero to avoid an ambush on the Hero core team.

The Tank’s Complete Mobile Legends Role is also required to carry out every initiation in commanding. This is for attack or retreat from the fight. This is because if the tank has given a notice to attack.

Then the core team must be ready to dive into the enemy’s defense line to kill the enemy core Hero. If the tank is no longer strong enough to cover the core. So the mobile legends hero Core team must also be ready to withdraw from team battles.

There are two role tanks. Namely the initiator tank and the support tank.

The initiator tank is a tank that always opens wars or battles as well as an open map. Usually this tank always covers the cores in the mid line.

While tank support is a tank that is used to help control the fight to dive towards the enemy core along with the core team. This is usually the support tank on the side line along with Maksman or assassins.

2. Role Assassins

Gamers friends are definitely no stranger to this role, this role is a role that Mobile Lehend gamers covet. Why is it desirable? Because this mobile legends update role has a role to kill enemy cores that are on the back line. With that, this Mobile Legends Role must have a good KDA (Kill Death Assist) compared to other roles. Therefore, many new users of this game are using this role.

But do you know about the duties and functions of the role assassin?

Assassin is an important role type in the Mobile Legend game. Because Assassin is a typical Hero who can dive the enemy’s defense and kill quickly to the enemy’s core. This role is intended for gamers who are observant of the situation and always look at the small map available to find out which line of the enemy to attack. In addition, which enemy cores must be killed to stop the movement of the enemy.

In this role, users are required to be alert to all conditions and circumstances in the fight or ambush that will be carried out, and Players are required to have initiation if they have their own calculations and are confident that they can kill enemy cores even though the tank is warning to retreat. Because every kill that is right from an assassin can affect this match becomes easier and faster.

And when in the game play, Role Mobile Legends, don’t be too busy farming because their task is very heavy at the beginning of the game. Because if the Hero Assassin loses in the early minutes of the match, it is ensured that this match becomes more difficult and takes longer to win.

3. The God of Death is the Role Marksman

Why did I give this nickname? Because this Mobile Legends Role is a Mobile Legends Role that will determine whether this game will enter the early game, mid game, or late game? This is because the Hero Role in Mobile Legends Maksman has extraordinary damage compared to Heroes with other Role Mobile Legends.

Maksman is a Hero that is synonymous with its extraordinary demage. This role can burst enemy tanks alone, because it has a very large damage and attack speed. Therefore, the role of this role is very important to determine who will win sooner or later.

Usually this Maksman Role Mobile Legends hero really needs items to make themselves stronger and faster in initiating attacks and ambushes or commonly called ganking.

In conditions that have started to excel, it is hoped that this Maksman Role user will respond to the movement of his team when he is going to do genking due to the large damage and attack speed that is very much needed when genking the opponent.

And the most important thing in terms of using this Role is the right positioning that if it can’t be reached by the Hero core from the enemy.

This caused the concentration of the enemy tanks to break which had to guard their back lines to keep their cores from being abducted. And remember to avoid continuous wars if you are in a losing period for gold, focus on the farm first and ask for help from the tank to cover you while farming.

4. The God of Help is Role Mobile Legends Support

Friends, what gamers do you have in mind about Hero with Role support? Useless heroes? Not important? Or others with negative questions?

Okay, gamers friends, actually this Hero with Role Support is no less important than other roles. Although many think that this role is only to cover the Hero cores in the team. In addition, it does not have a big impact or a significant impact on the team. This is because there is no burst damage that is owned. The support role also has a thin HP (Health Point) to be categorized as support for the Assassin and Marksman roles.

Waahhh … Don’t get me wrong first friend gamers. Although many say that the impact that Role Support will give is very small for the team. but if the mechanics and knowledge of the basics are owned by the Role Support player.

The existence of a support hero in the middle of the team is actually important to maintain the balance of the team. For example, with heal skills, hero support becomes the right combo for fighter heroes who are always on the front lines. Or also hero support skills that can hold enemy heroes from moving. This will be a perfect combo for other heroes who have the ultimate skill with lethal damage that is fully exposed to a silent enemy hero..

This can make the game in each of these matches very easy because they can become heroes that are needed for close-range fighters. With one example, giving heal to the entire team so that it can make the enemy think twice about attacking your team.

This is a small task and the impact that will arise if all gamers friends use this role.

5. Hero Core Role Fighter

Role Fighter is a type of melee hero in Mobile Legends (ML) games and generally has high defense and attack

Do you know gamers friends that Role Mobile Legends fighter is the most important key for this game?

Why is it so important? How important is it? And what is his job?

Yapss… The Mobile Legends Fighter Role is a role that is highly recommended in every game play game because this role holds a very strong line key.

Because the Hero role fighter always gets an offline line or commonly called a solo line, therefore patience and knowledge mechanics are needed for the Hero Role Mobile Legends fighter he chooses.

And it takes patience and thoroughness as well as the right instincts to do this Hero Role in Mobile Legends. Not only for the purpose of holding the line, but as much as possible the Hero Role Mobile Legendsfighter interferes with the initiation of farming that will be carried out by the opponent’s Hero core.

And the Hero Role Mobile Legends fighter is also expected to be a war opener because he has a fairly thick or large HP (Health Point’) therefore this role is also expected to be able to initiate a war first if it is confident that the team will excel in positioning .

6. The Ganking Controller is a Role Mage

Hero Mobile Legends has its own uniqueness and level of difficulty. There are specialists in blocking enemy movements or kidnapping and killing enemies in a fast time. This time there is Natalia ML’s Hero Counter for her Passive Skill!

The Mage role is a role that has a fairly high level of difficulty where the tasks and functions are very influential in bringing the team to victory in the early game so that the core in the team can freely do farming.

Here is the task of a Role Mage user, namely being able to become a hero killer who kills enemies with instant kills using his skills that burst damage. This task is usually carried out by a Role Mage in the mid line. This is what usually does genking to the enemy line on the side line.

It’s very important that the Role Mage hero who is in the mid must have sensitivity to a small map because it really helps you for mid liners to find out and help your team who is being genking by the enemy.

And in need of mature mechanics and calculations for those of you who will do genking so as not to be provoked by counter skills. This is what you will receive later if you mid line miscalculate.

Role Mage 2021 As Core Team

And there is also a Role Mage mobile legends update that functions as a protector for the core team such as protecting the marksman team from enemy ganking. At the same time can control the war that is done. For example, if the team has started a war, the Role Mage must be sensitive to the map and be prepared to help the team.

And also if core teams such as assassins and marksmans are no longer able to continue the war. The Role Mage can also protect them by spamming their skills to slow down or delay the enemy to pursue the core team.

Don’t get me wrong, in the game play hero mage also needs a farm, you know? why do you have to farm? Said it has a large burst damage? This is because if the hero mage does not participate in the farm and loses the amount of gold from the opposing tank. The admin will guarantee the damage that was originally caused to burst later.

If the tank already has the Athena Shield item. The resulting burst damage will be small and no longer hurt or large. Therefore it is required to participate in the farm. As long as there is an opportunity to farm so that it can burst bigger so that it allows the opening of a bigger win in the match.

So, in my opinion, this role is very important, if gamers friends don’t use this hero role. Mimin estimates that the game play that you are going to play will be a bit more difficult because there are no heroes who control ganking on your team.

In addition, there is actually what is called a lane based role. Unlike the one above, where the roles are divided according to the hero. This role will be determined from the lane placement. So don’t get hung up on the heroes used by the players.

Lane-Based Role Roamer

For roamers themselves, it is according to the name where they are tasked with doing “roaming”. Roamer itself aims to go around the map and open vision for the team as well as help members who are having difficulties.

Lane-Based Role Sidelaner

Sidelaner fills gold or EXP lane. They have uncertain tasks because it depends on the strategy used by the team. Usually, their job is not too special.


For junglers, it’s a bit complicated because there are so many sub roles that enter the jungler. For example, there are tempo junglers, core junglers, and even junglers who are more inclined towards support by helping team rotation.


Midlaners are a bit different because they have many tasks. Usually midlaners carry, but their main job is to help junglers and sidelaners with their rotation and ganking.

How, with the many choices of roles in Mobile Legends, there might be roles that make you interested. Maybe you can prioritize these roles or the term is playing.

Those are some of the most complete mobile legends roles that you should know. So that you are not wrong in playing and always win your matches. ML players must understand the basic role of this mobile legends update. Let’s be the best in the land of dawn! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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