10 Strengths and Weaknesses of Meta Physical Mid Mobile Legends (ML)

For those of you who are curious, Esportsku will explain the advantages and disadvantages of Physical Mid which is currently a popular meta in Mobile Legends.

Physical Mid is a new meta that is often played by pro players in MPL ID Season 8 tournaments. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this meta? For those of you who are curious, Esportsku will explain the advantages and disadvantages of Physical Mid which is currently a popular meta in Mobile Legends.

As you know, every meta must have its own advantages and disadvantages, one of which is the Meta Physical Mid which is often played by pro players in tournament matches.

There are important points that are weaknesses of Physical Mid, especially in games, of course it will be very interesting to discuss and increase the knowledge of players in playing Mobile Legends.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of Meta Physical Mid in Mobile Legends that you can know.

Here are the advantages of Physical Mid in Mobile Legends:

Mid To Late Game Dominate

Playing Meta Physical Mid will dominate the game from mid to late game. This is because physical heroes tend to be weak in the early game.

But with enough net worth, you can get very good momentum from the mid game to the late game.

Meta Physical Mid is the same as meta two marksman where two physical heroes will play in mid and sidelane.

So that the Physical Mid meta will dominate especially during the mid and late games, but you have to be careful during the early game.

Have Two Cores In Team

Mita Physical Mid allows the team to have two cores at once with a net worth that is practically not much different.

By playing in the mid lane, heroes who play a role in Physical Mid will easily get resources such as gold and exp.

Especially in this meta, it will always be protected by a hero tank which will make the hero even more spoiled when playing.

Can Dominate In Farming

For the next one to dominate in farming, playing two cores will of course allow you to dominate the area like a buff.

For junglers, you can get resources from your own area, while Physical Mid heroes can try to steal the opponent’s buff.

Although it is difficult to do, but if you manage to dominate the opponent’s territory, you can mark the area so that the opponent cannot do buffing.

Easier Rotation and Ganking

The next one is easy to do ganking and rotation, although some hero mages are strong in doing this, but on average Physical Mid heroes are very easy to do.

Every physical hero has excellent mobility so they can do good rotations.

Not only that, Physical Mid heroes can also monitor turtles or lords better and get them if the opportunity arises.

There are many heroes who excel as physical mid

The last advantage is on a hero who is very superior as a Physical Mid. Many strong heroes are able to play this meta.

For example, almost all marksman is capable of being a physical mid. Not only marksman, assassin hero or fighter hero you can also become a mainstay hero in Physical Mid.

So what are the weaknesses? Let’s look at some of the drawbacks here:

Difficult to Play in Early Game

Playing Meta Physical Mid allows you to be careful in playing, especially during the early game.

At this time the physical hero is indeed not strong and tends to lose to the hero mage when dealing in the midlaner.

This requires that you play safe first and don’t start attacks, and make sure that your opponent doesn’t rush at the start of the match.

Slow Game Gameplay

Playing Physical Mid meta there are certain moments that make this meta very strong when played. This is what has to make players wait a long time so that the gameplay of the game is slow.

Players must play it safe in the early game and don’t rush into the opponent’s buff if it’s not needed.

Wait until the mid game or after you already have at least two items, then you play aggressively.

Highly Dependent on Item Magic Defense

Not only physical damage items are needed, at the beginning of the game, Meta Physical Mid heroes must use magic defense items.

The reason is that heroes in Meta Physical Mid will not be feeders and still have a chance to fight opponents.

Not only that, as a physical midlaner, you will be dealing with a hero mage, so the right item is to use physical defense items.

Use Though Boot or Rose Gold Meteor, you can also use Immortality at the beginning of the game.

Must Play Aggressive

Next, playing the Physical Mid meta requires you to play aggressively, this shows where if you use the meta, your skills must be qualified.

Because if you hesitate and just defend, players will find it difficult to attack back, especially if the opponent has a lot of support which is dominated by hero cores.

As the second core in the team, players must be smart to target the opponent first, target the support hero or the opponent’s core and the rest give the task to the first core.

Hard For Fast Game

Finally, playing Physical Mid heroes will be very difficult to play fast games. Fast Game is where the game progresses quickly.

This way of playing is suitable for playing ranked, but in the Physical Mid meta you will wait for the late game to win.

Even so, there are still many opportunities to win the game quickly, it’s just that Meta Physical Mid tends to take advantage of the late game to win.

So that’s all the advantages and disadvantages of playing Physical Mid in Mobile Legends. Hopefully useful and see you soon! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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