10 Ways To Play Carmilla Offlaner Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss tips on playing Carmilla Officer in Mobile Legends.

This time we will review Tips Carmilla Offlaner Mobile Legends (ML) for you to be able to play this hero well when you become an offlaner in a gameplay. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss tips on playing Carmilla Officer in Mobile Legends.

Carmilla is a support hero who has high durability so that he can be used as an offlaner in gameplay. Carmilla is also very flexible because it can be played one by one against an opponent or used for team fight.

Playing Carmilla is actually quite easy because you only need to use each skill to its full potential. The HP regen effect of his own lifesteal ability is also quite good. This hero can also be used to counter heroes who have high defense thanks to their passive skills. It is highly recommended that you use the right build items so that Carmilla’s performance is maximum.

10 Ways To Play Carmilla Offlaner Mobile Legends

Carmilla is suitable to be played as an offlaner because it has high durability. This will help him defend well when dealing one versus one with the opponent’s hero. Every skill that exists will make Carmilla’s defense even better.

Esportsku itself has a list of the best tips that are suitable to be applied when Camilla plays as an offlaner in a gameplay. Now for those of you who are curious and want to know what the best tips are, let’s just take a look at the list of the best tips below!

Don’t be too aggressive in the early game

Even though Carmilla has a good level of durability, this hero is quite weak in the Early game. You have to pay close attention to this so that you don’t lose easily in the Early game from the enemy. If that happens then you will find it difficult to develop because the enemy will definitely give you continuous pressure.

Focus on Clear Lane First

We recommend that when you become an Offlaner you prioritize clear lanes rather than attacking your opponent. After the lane is finished you clear it is the right time if you are going to attack your opponent. Prioritize clear lane first so that your lane is safe and difficult to be pushed by the enemy. You have to pay close attention to this in gameplay so you don’t get losses.

Using Semi Defense Item Build

You have to use semi defense build items to help increase your durability. This will make Carmilla stronger and less likely to be killed by opponents. In addition, make sure to use the right battle spell like vengeance or flicker because it can support your performance well in a gameplay.

Always Helping War

As an offlaner hero you also have to come to help the war that is going on. This will provide support in the form of additional damage for your team and will make it even easier for you to win the war.

Make good use of all skills

You also have to take advantage of the tips by using all of Carmilla’s skills properly to give maximum damage. This will make it easier for you to defeat existing opponents.

Wait Gank For Combos

Carmilla might find it difficult if it is 1v1 to kill an opponent, but in her ranking she is very strong. Especially you can use the combo with the ult which can be troublesome for your opponent later.

Carmilla Strong Trade

Don’t be afraid to trade using Carmilla because he does excel at this. In trading, he has damage, sustain and heal. All of these things made him very strong and annoyed his laning opponents.

Take advantage of Hero Sinergy

Don’t you forget the strong synergy hero with Carmilla. He is a team based hero who is too dependent on the synergy of other heroes in the team. As a solo hero, it is not so strong.

Be careful with counters

Carmilla is easy to counter if you’re not careful. Starting from kiter to anti-heal, Carmilla sometimes has a hard time because of this. Therefore, don’t lose because you are counted.

Do not push yourself

The main thing is still don’t push yourself. Playing on the offlane is not easy, therefore if you often blunder you can lose lane easily. Try to take it all into account.

Playing Carmilla is indeed difficult because of her skillset. Especially playing on the offlane where you rarely get help. Carmilla but stands out in a big teamfight which can be profitable later.

So, those are some tips for playing Carmilla Offlaner that I have reviewed in Esports. Please apply the tips above so that your Carmilla performance will be even better when playing as an Offlaner. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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