3 Security Improvements PUBG Mobile Update 1.1

This time we will provide information about the 3 security enhancements in PUBG Mobile update 1.1 which make the battle royale game's

Currently PUBG Mobile has updated 1.1 by bringing various changes and improvements. One of them is the 3 security enhancements in PUBG Mobile update 1.1 which make players no longer need to worry about the privacy of their accounts in the game and here is the info.

PUBG Mobile recently released patch note update 1.1 as the first update after this favorite battle royal game entered the New Era. In update 1.1, there have been various changes and performance improvements at PUBG Mobile. That’s all to make the quality of this game even better.

At the same time, PUBG Mobile also released a new game mode, namely Metro Royale. This mode is the result of the collaboration between PUBG Mobile and Metro Exodus, which is an FPS type game with a horror post apocalyptic theme. Even the currently ongoing PUBG Mobile Season 16 has the theme Metro.


3 Security Improvements in PUBG Mobile Update 1.1

PUBG Mobile is a popular battle royal game that has millions of active players spread across various countries. The size of the PUBG Mobile player community must of course be accompanied by a high level of security. This is to maintain the privacy of the players’ accounts.

Besides that, strong security will make this game not easily broken into with cheats and so on. Because as we know every week the PUBG Mobile anti-cheat system bans millions of cheaters.

Now in this 1.1 update, PUBG Mobile increases its security. Here are 3 security improvements in PUBG Mobile update 1.1.


Improved Verification

The first increase in security in PUBG Mobile update 1.1 is increased verification. So to make the verification system more secure, in update 1.1 there will be an increase in the hardware used to perform the verification. In addition, improvements in this field will also increase verification efficiency.


Increased Security in Area of ​​Aransactions

The next improvement is increased security in the field of transactions in the game. The point is to ensure security when making transactions in games, such as UC purchases, the transaction regulations will be tightened. That way, players will not be disadvantaged by the illegal transactions that have been spreading so far.


Improved Security System for Cheats

The last security improvement is an increase in the security system for cheats. This is absolutely necessary because the spread of cheating, hacking and so on in the game is very detrimental to both players, including the PUBG Mobile game itself.

With this increased security system will make the security of this game even stronger in fighting various fraud and network attacks.

Those are 3 security in PUBG Mobile update 1.1 that make this game even safer to play. Login now and join the excitement of PUBG Mobile Season 16 Metro which brings lots of excitement, especially the presence of the Metro Royale game mode. Thank you!

PUBG Mobile