3 Tips on Setting Your HUD in Free Fire for the Best Gameplay Possible for You!

To play Free Fire, you need to have the correct settings that comfort you best. In order to do so, You need to set your HUD to make the game easier for you to play.

Free Fire is one of the most popular battle royale game. As of today, there are more than 250 million Free Fire users from around the world. With that huge amount of players, Free Fire is getting more popular and becoming one of the best battle royale game to exist. As we know it, Garena will always present you new updates and events. More updates and events, means less boredom. All of the updates and events is surely presented for the players for them to gain new features in the game.

There are many features that you need to know before you play. To know more about the existing features, you can check out these character features in Free Fire. You can also check out the best assault rifle in Free Fire. It’s important since the assault rifle is the most frequently used weapon in Free Fire.

To play Free Fire, you need to have the correct settings that comfort you best. In order to do so, You need to set your HUD to make the game easier for you to play. Here’s some tips for you to find the best HUD settings in Free Fire!

1. Adjust the Buttons Location as You Like it

The first thing to do before you set the HUD in Free Fire, is to find the most comfortable set for yourself. And when you start setting each button in the settings, there will be redline indicating which button that you will move around. This redline will also indicate your finger position later in the game. When you place each button optimally for you, you can move on to the next phase.

2. Set the Transparency Level

To set the transparency level in each button, you need to look at the percentage of the transparency of each button. The bigger the number, the bolder the button will be. We suggest you to set the transparency level for up to 25% to 50%. So that you will have better vision in the game.

3. Adjust the Button Size

The button size in the HUD is also important for your finger placement in the game. Some players like to have bigger buttons, and some also like to have smaller ones. When you have bigger buttons, your fingers will be easier to move. But your finger will also often slip to other buttons as well. However, if you use smaller buttons, you will have better visibility in the game, but your finger will be more likely not to reach other buttons due to the small size.

Well that’s some tips for you to set your HUD as you like it to be. Don’t forget to check out how to effectively counter the gloo wall in Free Fire. So that you’ll have higher chance to win in the game!

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