4 Free Fire Tips on Better Aiming Like a Pro!

Every player in the game must have their own strength and weakness. One of the most weakness that players have is aiming skill. Aiming skills is often a not consistent skill to have.

Free Fire is one of the most popular battle royale game. As of today, there are more than 250 million Free Fire users from around the world. With that huge amount of players, Free Fire is getting more popular and becoming one of the best battle royale game to exist. As we know it, Garena will always present you new updates and events. More updates and events, means less boredom. All of the updates and events is surely be there for the players for them to gain new features in the game.

One of the most interesting features is the weapons. And you can check out these Free Fire weapon tips to get to know the existing weapons.

Every player in the game must have their own strength and weakness. One of the most weakness that players have is aiming skill. Aiming skills is often a not consistent skill to have. Here’s some tips for you to aim better!

1. Sensitivity

Sensitivity will affect your aiming speed on certain attachments. Many players keep their sensitivity level at a default state, so no wonders they have poor aiming skills. To aim better, keep setting your sensitivity until you find the amount that suits you best. You can try the sensitivity in training ground. Try each one of the attachment. It will take some time to do so, but once you find all the optimal sensitivity, it will surely affect your gameplay to become better at aiming your enemy!

2. Set the Precise on Scope

If you’re a terrible shooter, you can turn on the Precise on Scope. If you do, you’ll have more precise aiming while using a scope. You can kill more enemies later on. Or you can use the character Laura. By using Laura, it will make your scope aiming even better.

3. Train Your Headshot Skill in Training Ground

Headshot is one of the best way to instantly kill your enemy. The damage taken by a headshot can be up to 200. You can learn to headshot in Training Ground. To make your headshot attempt even easier, you can try using the best weapon for a headshot that you can check out here.

4. Play in Classic Mode

After you train yourself in training ground, you can try to play in classic mode. In this mode, you can fight with your opponents directly. You can train yourself even more effective here in classic mode. And it’s also more fun if you train your aiming skills in classic mode, because you can train while also playing. When you’re confident enough with your skill, you can play in ranked mode for more challenge!

That’s some info that we can give you to better your aiming skills. You can also check out these best character combination in Free Fire to increase your chance of winning!

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