4 Tips to Win Lane in Mobile Legends

By winning on the lane, you already have the advantage in the game.

In Mobile Legends, there are three lanes that you can occupy. Starting from difficult offlane, strategic midlane, and safe safelane for farm. Although these three lanes are quite different from charging heroes and their objectives, they are basically the same. You must dominate these three lanes for your team.

By winning on the lane, you already have the advantage in the game. For example, if you win in the offlane, then carry the core opponent has difficulty farming, the midlane will provide a strategic location for map control, and safelane for better farming and push places. Therefore it is important for you to win your respective lanes.

Whatever hero you use, whatever lane you are on, these tips will be of general use. So you don’t need to bother applying the more detailed ones if you only want to win on a basic basis.

1. Get Maximum Gold And EXP



Whatever your lane, you must get the maximum resources. Gold and EXP will be very important for you to get and one of them is by absorbing from the creep lane. By continuing to be close to the creep wave and doing push you will get quite a lot of gold and EXP.

This is a bit difficult for offlaners to apply because their natural lane is difficult to absorb gold and passive exp. Therefore just play it safer and only play aggressively if necessary and there is a chance.

2. Harass and Enemy Zoning


To win on your lane, you have to control each lane. An effective way is to gank and kill, but not all players have this opportunity. The easiest thing is to harass and trade. You have to push your opponent’s hero away from the lane to miss gold and exp. Supports or mages benefit greatly in this case because they can hold lane control more effectively.

3. Do Efficient Laning


In laning, you have to be very effective in playing. You can judge this by yourself from your macro skills. Smartly reads maps, predicts movement, counter farming, lane switches, invades, ganks, rotations, and more. There are so many that you can use. Maximize your lane and your opponent’s movements if there is a whiffed that you can take advantage of.

4. Rotate If Needed


Rotation is very important for you to do. Apart from helping other friends’ lanes, you will also get at least some gold and exp. You must rotate when someone needs help and your lane is safe. This assessment depends on your position and your team too.

Tips for winning lane in Mobile Legends can help you play better and more consistently. By winning the lane, you will have less anxiety when playing later. Also follow our social media on Instagram.




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