5 Anti Crowd Control (CC) Heroes Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide recommendations for the best anti Crowd Control heroes that you can play in Mobile Legends. For ML players, you must see the following reviews.

Crowd Control or CC is one of the most lethal abilities that heroes have in Mobile Legends, but did you know that there is a line of the best anti Crowd Control heroes that can be played in Mobile Legends? Esportsku this time will provide recommendations for the best anti Crowd Control heroes that you can play in Mobile Legends. For ML players, you must see the following reviews.

The number of heroes in Mobile Legends will provide quite a variety of skill abilities. This is what makes the game exciting because in addition to playing. You can also learn to use good mechanics.

Check out the following recommendations for the best anti Crowd Control heroes that you can play in Mobile Legends!


The first anti CC hero is Benedetta, an assassin hero, Benedetta has a good ability to block her opponent’s attacks. Thanks to her 2 skills, Benedetta is able to escape from every opponent’s attack.

This ability can benefit Benedetta in teamfights, with an annoying CC attack, she can easily break free and continue with each attack.


Kadita is a hero assassin who has good mobility skills.  She also has immunity that allows her to escape from her opponent’s attacks.

With this pretty great ability, she can easily release from CC attacks, for example from Tigreal’s ultimate insect, She can even attack back.

With this ability, She can become one of the most promising heroes, especially in terms of attack and excellent mobility.


As a Diggie hero, it’s only natural that Diggie should have the ability to let go of CC. CC attacks can attract the opponent to give an attack that can stop the movement which is quite annoying.

Don’t worry, all CC attacks can be overcome by Diggie, with his ultimate ability, Diggie can easily release all the opponent’s CC attacks in Mobile Legends.

This is what makes Diggie the most lethal anti Crowd Control hero that exists today, he is the real anti CC.


Then the next hero is Ling, this one assassin hero becomes a formidable hero in his opponent’s CC attack, this is thanks to Ling’s ultimate hero ability which can give him a very strong anti-CC ability.

This hero can do a quick initiation with his skill 1 and skill 2, then if the opponent will attack the ling and give initiation. Ling simply activates the ultimate attack.

Now with the ultimate illusion that Ling is able to quickly release himself from any attack, Ling can even strike back at the opponent and give a very fast lethal attack.


Lastly is the Grock hero which is one of the best anti Crowd Control heroes in Mobile Legends. The ability of Grock’s hero can make him immune to every attack of his opponent’s hero.

This is with Grock’s best ability which can allow him to launch very strong attacks but can also dispel CC heroes.

This is thanks to Grock’s first skill which, if pressed, will enlarge and every incoming CC attack will get maximum, even from Franco’s hero attacks.

So that’s all for the line of anti Crowd Control heroes or called CC in short in Mobile Legends. The heroes above will provide extraordinary gameplay when you play. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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