5 Best Battle Spell For Cecilion in Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best battle spell for Cecilion in Mobile Legends.

Cecilion is one of the heroes with role mages in Mobile Legends. Cecilion is a hero that specializes in burst damage and has a typical passive skill stack. Each stack he gets will make him increase max mana and the resulting damage from his attack skills will hurt even more. This time we will review Cecilion’s best battle spell in Mobile Legends. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best battle spell for Cecilion in Mobile Legends.

Cecilion is usually played as a support mage in the current meta because he can provide good follow up damage. Besides that, Cecilion will also make your team’s high ground stronger. Cecilion when in the late game can give very painful damage and can kill his opponent with just two attack skills.


Flameshoot is very suitable for use by mage heroes because this battle spell can attack enemies from a distance. Flameshoot itself can be used to make last hits, either killing the opponent’s hero or stealing the opponent’s objective. If your opponent is near you and uses this battle spell, you will have a knock back effect.


Flicker can make it even easier for Cecilion to escape from opponents. Cecilion doesn’t have a good escape skill, so he really needs this battle spell in a gameplay. Make sure to use Flicker wisely, because the cooldown is quite long.


Purify can make Cecilion free from all debuffs when used. Cecilion will also get additional movement speed from this battle spell. Use it when you fight many opponent heroes with Crowd control skills!


Sprint can make Cecilion get additional movement speed when using Sprint. In addition, Cecilion will also be immune from the slow effects resulting from enemy attack skills.


Execute is an alternative battle spell for those of you who want to kill opponents with Low HP even faster. Damage generated from execute itself is true damage which can ignore the opponent’s shield.

That’s the explanation of Cecilion’s best battle spell that esportsku have discussed. Using one of the battle spells above will make your Cecilion even stronger and his performance even more maximal in gameplay. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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