5 Best Battle Spell For Chang’e Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best battle spell Chang'e Mobile Legends.

Chang’e is one of the mage heroes in Mobile Legends who is quite popular in the current meta. Chang’e is often used as a mage support hero in gameplay because he can provide good follow-up damage to his teammates. You need to know that there are some of Chang’e Mobile Legends’s best battle spells that can make this hero even stronger. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best battle spell Chang’e Mobile Legends.

Playing Chang’e requires good mechanical skills in order to be able to easily maximize each attack skill. You can use Chang’e to give poke damage in the early game and after having the ultimate hero skill this can make the opponent difficult. You can easily disrupt enemy formations during war and can easily steal enemy buffs using the ultimate.


Chang’e himself doesn’t have a good escape skill in gameplay. This makes the Flicker battle spell suitable for him. Flicker will help him to escape from the opponent’s pursuit or allow him to catch up with opponents who run away easily. Make sure to use this battle spell carefully to be effective.


Flameshoot when used by a Hero mage the resulting damage will be maximized thanks to the build item mage used. Flameshoot can be used to give last hit and give knock back effect to opponents near you.


Purify is a battle spell that can make Chang’e easily free from all existing debuff effects. Chang’e himself will also get an additional movement speed of 30% when purify is activated. Make sure to use this battle spell to really face many CC heroes!


Spint will also help Chang’e get even better at his mobility. This can be an alternative battle spell for those of you who don’t want to use Flicker in gameplay. Sprint will increase movement speed and make Chang’e immune to slown effects in a gameplay.


Aegis can make Chang’e get an additional shield that is useful for absorbing enemy damage. Using this battle spell will make Chang’e even better his defense.

Those are some of the best Chang’e Mobile Legends battle spells that I have discussed in Esports. Use one of the battle spells above and make your Chang’e even stronger.  Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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