5 Best Battle Spells For Roger Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best Battle Spell Roger Mobile Legends.

Roger is one of the Marksman hybrid Fighter heroes in Mobile Legends who can change to werewolf mode. Roger is much favored by Mobile Legends players because the damage from his attack skills is quite painful. This hero is often played as a Hyper Carry in a gameplay. You need to know that there are some of Roger’s best battle spells in Mobile Legends that are suitable for him. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the best Battle Spell Roger Mobile Legends.

Roger himself will be more maximal in his performance when you use the right set up emblems, build items, and battle spells. Choosing a battle spell to use in a gameplay is very important because it can maximize your performance. Besides that, to be able to play this hero well you also have to understand every skill that is in him.


Retribution is a battle spell that is very suitable if you want to play as a hyper carry using Roger. This battle spell allows you to use jungle items and makes farming easier. In addition, when your jungle item is LV 3 you can use this battle spell on your opponent and produce a slow effect.


Execute is useful for making it easier for you to last hit on opponents with low HP. The damage generated from this battle spell is true damage which can ignore the enemy’s shield.


Flicker is also the right choice for you to use because this Battle spell can make it easier for Roger to escape from an opponent’s chase or chase an opponent in a gameplay. Make sure to use it wisely because the cooldown itself is quite long.


When many opposing heroes have skills with crowd control effects and can hinder your movements, Purify is a suitable battle spell to counter this. You will be free from all debuffs and get additional movement speed when using Purify.


Because his basic Roger is Marksman Fighter, he is also suitable for using inspire to increase his attack speed. This battle spell will make Roger’s attack even faster.

Those are some of Roger’s best battle spell lists in Mobile Legends that Esportsku have discussed. Use one of the battle spells above and make your Roger perform even better. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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