5 Best Ganker Heroes in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide the 5 best heroes to gank in Mobile Legends, these heroes are very strong and effective when trying to get kills for the team. If you're curious, just look below.

In playing Mobile Legends, of course, it can’t be separated from the gank process. The gank itself is where a hero rotates to try to kill the opponent’s hero in another lane, making them very effective in killing. This time we will discuss the Best Mobile Legends (ML) Ganker Hero that you can use. Here we will provide the 5 best heroes to gank in Mobile Legends, these heroes are very strong and effective when trying to get kills for the team. If you’re curious, just look below.

But ganker heroes not only have high damage, but some ganker heroes have very strong CC, so the task of their gank is not to kill the opponent. However, helping the hero in the lane that will be ganked to get a kill. This is usually done to gank in safelane where the hero role of mobile legends supports or mids who do the gank.

If you use a ganker hero, you must be able to attack the enemy when they are not aware of your existence. You could say, usually assassin heroes can do gangs, but tanks and other heroes can also do gangs, because they have quite strong skills.

Ganking is one of the most important processes in gaining profits in the game. With the right ganking you can get a lot of benefits. Use the heroes below for good ganking.


Gusion is a very strong hero in the early to midgame and unfortunately his effectiveness drops in the late game. This hero is a very deadly assassin burst hero thanks to his combos. Being able to kill enemies quickly is an easy thing to become a Hero Ganker.


Having mobility and burst skills is the main factor for ganker damage dealers. Hayabusa can move quickly and give a high burst to a single target hero. A strong assassin can become a fierce Hero Ganker.


A deadly support/tanker, Atlas has a lot of tools in his skill set. A myriad of CC will help lane friends when Atlas does a gank and it’s easy to get a kill. He is very deadly when doing Hero Ganker to gathered enemies.


Kaja is one of the supports that can ensure kills very easily. When doing a gank, his combo can attract enemies very easily towards the team to get a kill. It should be feared if he disappears from the map.


If Franco disappears from the map, be careful because if you are attracted by Franco’s hook and get locked, you will most likely die. Franco is a terrible ganker because he can take advantage of players who are not alert.

Those are the 5 Best Ganker Heroes in Mobile Legends. These heroes are very terrible and effective because they can give easy kills to the team and make enemies behind in gold and XP. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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