5 Best Heroes for Counter Split Push in Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku recommends the best Split Push hero counter in Mobile Legends.

The best hero counter split push in Mobile Legends is ready to guard your turret in the Land of Dawn! As you know, one of the strategies that can make it possible to win in Mobile Legends, one of which is Split Push. On this occasion, Esportsku recommends the best Split Push hero counter in Mobile Legends.

Split Push is a strategy that allows one of your team’s heroes to push the turret. This strategy is usually carried out during a team fight, so that the opponent is fooled and then breaks the lane as far as possible. By using Split Push it will be easy to win the match and also restore the state of damage.

Here are the heroes we recommend for counting Split Push in Mobile Legends. Who there are?


The hero counter for the first Split Push is Aldous who is a fighter hero as a true offlaner. Aldous’s ability can allow him to fly and ambush opponents who are doing a push.

Aldous can go easily and attack these opponents and can even give them all at once. Aldous is the right hero to counter Split Push!


Second, there is the Change’e hero who is a mage hero who has burst damage who is looking forward to ambushing his opponent when doing Split Push. With his ultimate attack, Change is able to wipe out the opponent in front of him.

Even though it doesn’t fly like Aldous and you can only do it by recalling, Chang’e can quickly anticipate those of you who will miss the turret.



Next there is the Fanny hero who is one of the heroes with excellent roaming skills. Fanny is very easy to count Split Push with its steel cable.

With alacrity, Fanny can quickly go to the gold lane, mid lane and exp lane at once. His steell cable ability is very impressive in Mobile Legends.


Just like Fanny’s hero, Ling is also the best Split Push hero counter in Mobile Legends. Ling’s ability to enter walls can make this one hero kill opponents very easily.

Ling’s ability to jump here using his first skill will be very effective in preventing the turret and also returning to prepare for teamfight.

Yu Zhong

With his ultimate ability, Yu Zhong will be very easy and fast to face opponents who are doing Split Push. His dragon mode ability allowed Yu Zhong to fly and carry out deadly attacks.

You can make this one hero as a mainstay for countering heroes who are doing Split Push in Mobile Legends.

That’s all the best Split Push hero counters in Mobile Legends. Hopefully, with the presence of the above reviews it can be useful especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, stay tuned for more recent information and see you later. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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