5 Best Mage LOL Wild Rift, Strong In Various Roles!

Playing with a mage is easy. Some mages can be played classically, some are jungler, sustain, and even can be played as APC.

For those of you other moba mobile players who like playing mage, maybe it will be a little different in Wild Rift. Mage in Wild Rift can fill almost any lane, depending on what champion you are using. Try using one of the 5 best Wild Rift mages here, maybe it can help you.

Playing using a mage is fairly easy. Maybe because the role mage in Wild Rift is fairly broad. Some mages can be played classically, some are jungler, sustain, and even can be played as APC. So it depends on your champion, strategy, and playstyle which will have an effect when played later.


Best mage lol wild rift

For those of you who are curious about what mage is the best to use, we provide below the list. Remember, all of this is subjective so it depends on the players:

  • Ahri
  • Seraphine
  • Ziggs
  • Lux
  • Orianna

Here, The 5 best Wild Rift mages that you can use. You cannot underestimate these champions. Very strong and consistent, often a threat to their opposing team. Especially if given enough space. Just take advantage of it.



Ahri is probably the best mage right now. This champion is very strong and you can’t take it for granted. He is very consistent whether he plays solo or premade. Has high damage, mobility, poke, range, reach, and is also relatively easy to use as the main reason.



Seraphine is a very terrible and broken champion. You could say overtune because of his skillset. Seraphine has CC, damage, shield and heal. As a mage the damage is sick as support, very annoying. There are even four types of CC, namely slow, root, stun, and charm.



Ziggs is a champion nuker who focuses on damage. Even though it has CC, but this is not very useful, Ziggs is an allout champion that gives a very high and terrible damage output. Maybe this time compared to other mages, Ziggs is the highest damage dealer, can even become an APC.



As a champion mage, Lux is actually quite versatile. He has a very high shield, damage, CC, and global damage. In the right hands, Lux could become one of the strongest champions in the game. Can build damage and buffer / CDR make Lux suitable for various teams.



Orianna was a champion who benefited greatly in the laning phase. Compared to other mages, Orianna is the strongest zoner. Either as a midlaner or support, Orianna can be played in the same way but the effectiveness is not much different. Good zoner and damage dealer, Orianna is also strong in teamfight thanks to her CC.


Those are some of the best Wild Rift champion mages that you can use. Very strong and of course it can be your main choice who wants to play using mages in Wild Rift.

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