5 Causes of Missing Mobile Legends Rank Mode (ML)

Esportsku will provide several reasons for the loss of the Mobile Legends rank, here is an explanation and how to fix it.

Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBA games you can play, in this game there is a rank feature which may already be your daily mission for push rank, maybe you have experienced the Mobile Legends rank mode missing, here’s how to fix it. Esportsku will provide several reasons for the loss of the Mobile Legends rank, here is an explanation and how to fix it.

Mobile Legends is one of the best games that you can play, this game made by Moonton has lots of heroes, skins and game modes in it, one of the modes you often play is ranked mode, this is how the Mobile Legends rank mode is missing.

Cause Mobile Legends Rank Mode Missing MLBB

Here are some of the reasons for missing Mobile Legends rank mode on your lobby menu, well the following might help you later.

Account Has Not Reached Level 8

The cause of the Mobile Legends rank mode missing first is that your account has not reached level 8, which level rank is the main requirement for players in rank mode, apart from being below level 8, the rank mode will not appear at all.

Make sure that your account has a level more than level 8, the method is quite easy, you only need to continue playing Mobile Legends. You only need to do 6-7 games.

Have less than 5 heroes

Next, the cause of the missing Mobile Legends rank mode is having no more than 5 heroes. Which one account will be able to play in rank mode with a minimum of more than five heroes.

To overcome this is fairly easy, you only need to buy cheap heroes or use discount promos for new accounts, or you can also use tickets to buy heroes.

Credit Score Less Than 90 Points

Furthermore, the cause of the missing Mobile Legends rank mode is that your credit score is low or less than 90.Now after reaching a certain score you cannot play in rank mode or even disappear.

The solution is very easy, you only need to play in classic or AI mode and you can increase your points slowly. Make sure you pay attention to this.

Maintenance Reset Season Change

Finally, the maintenance reset for the season change in the Mobile Legends game. Which in the maintenance process, the rank mode will be removed first so you can’t play rank for some time.

Now to overcome it is fairly easy, you just need to wait until the maintenance process is complete and you can play again.

Now that’s all for the cause of the Mobile Legends rank mode missing, you can find out the problem and of course at the same time how to fix it that we have said above, hopefully useful and see you. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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