5 Character Suitable to Use Flamethrower in Free Fire (FF)

If you want to maximize this weapon's potential, we suggest you to use the right character for this weapon. Here we have some of the best character that is suitable to use the flamethrower in Free Fire that you need to know.

The flamethrower is a weapon that is useful to attack multiple enemies at once. The damage that the flamethrower has is also really huge. However, this weapon has a short range capability, making it useless in mid to long range battle. If you want to maximize this weapon’s potential, we suggest you to use the right character for this weapon. Here we have some of the best character that is suitable to use the flamethrower in Free Fire that you need to know.

5 Character Suitable to Use Flamethrower in Free Fire (FF)

DJ Alok

The first character that is suitable to use the flamethrower in Free Fire is DJ Alok. He is a character that is suitable to use in any condition and circumstances. Which is why, this character is also suitable to use the flamethrower in Free Fire. He is also one of the strongest character to use in clash squad mode.

If Alok is using the flamethrower, you don’t have to worry about losing so much HP due to his healing skill. So you don’t have to hesitate if you want to charge forward towards your enemy.

Kelly Awakening to use flamethrower in Free Fire

The next character is Kelly Awakening, which is really effective if you’re using the flamethrower in Free Fire. Kelly’s skill is that she can run fast and increase her damage afterwards. So this character can be really effective if you’re using the flamethrower as her weapon.


Next is Wolfrahh, which is one of the most overpowered character in Free Fire in terms of offensive skill. His skill will make him able to increase his damage towards the enemy. Without having to aim for a headshot, the damage that Wolfrahh gives is really huge, it even nearly equal to the headshot. So if you’re using the flamethrower with this character, the damage will be unforgiveable.


The last character is Sverr, which is a new character in Free Fire that you can purchase now. His skill is that he is able to increase his damage after he lose some HP in the game. So try to use the flamethrower with this character. It will definitely become a deadly combination to use in the game.

And that’s some of the best character that is suitable to use the flamethrower in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!

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