5 Easy-to-Use Marksman Heroes in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide tips on Easy-to-Use Hero Marksman in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try. This existing marksman hero is quite easy to use for those of you who want to try playing as a Marksman.

In Mobile Legends, Hero Marksman is usually the Carry in the game with sustain or burst damage it has. Heroes like this actually play an important role in dealing damage, and can determine the team’s victory. Here we will provide tips on Easy-to-Use Hero Marksman in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try. This existing marksman hero is quite easy to use for those of you who want to try playing as a Marksman.

There are quite a few Marksman heroes in Mobile Legends and how to play from the marksman heroes also varies depending on the hero. But, it turns out that many marksman heroes are difficult to use, because they have complicated skills.

Marksman generally has high sustain damage and some have high burst damage depending on the hero. What is popular this time is Burst damage heroes like Granger or Brody.

This hero is indeed quite difficultto play even though it only relies on basic attacks. However, heroes like Granger and Brody are quite difficult to use, because they rely on Skill Shot and others.

The heroes below are quite easy to use as Marksman heroes if you want to try Hero marksman in Mobile Legends (ML).


Irithel as a marksman hero turns out to be an Easy-to-Use Hero Marksman. A skill that allows him to shoot while walking, helping you to attack enemies and keep your distance at the same time.


This hero who only relies on his basic attack has a fast attack speed and can shoot multiple targets at once, definitely being an Easy-to-Use Hero Marksman in Mobile Legends (ML). But, because it’s a little soft, you have to keep your distance when attacking the enemy.


Hanabi is almost similar to Miya, but this hero has a high life steal and also her bouncing attack can also attack many enemies. Unlike Miya who has the Escape skill, Hanabi can only depend on her Root area skill.


Hero with high burst skills and long distance, making him an Easy-to-Use Hero Marksman. Not only that, this Hero also has skills that push enemies, making it quite safe when attacked by enemies.


A hero with a long range of shots on every basic attack, Layla is a hero who is quite easy to use. With high burst damage, Layla can finish off enemies easily from a distance. However, because this hero does not have an escape skill, Layla is quite difficult when she is cornered.

Those are tips about Easy-to-Use Hero Marksman in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try. Some heroes do have their own difficulties, but maybe you can still overcome them well.

Don’t forget to read the skills that the hero has, so you can understand how to use the hero. Because, each hero has different skills and some have quite unique effects from the others. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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