5 Hero Counter Zhuxin Mobile Legends (ML)

Mobile Legends can also be known to have many interesting options for you to try to play. Well, this time you can also know about 5 Hero Counter Zhuxin Mobile Legends (ML). Regarding this, you might be able to try it.

In the Mobile Legends game, players do need to explore various things. One example is the variety of hero choices that offer gameplay variations, including combos and counter strategies that players can try later.

You can find out what the more detailed discussion will be like in the article below, but before that you can also find out about the latest Squad Names in Mobile Legends , of course that way you can understand.

In the discussion that is available this time, you will be able to find out about the counter hero Zhuxin in the MLBB game. Of course, you can find out more about this information here.

Hero Counter Zhuxin Mobile Legends (ML)

Zhuxin is indeed one of the newest heroes in the Mobile Legends game. Where the hero who has the role of Mage has a fairly large AOE, now this time we will give you which heroes can counter Zhuxin in the game:


There is an Assassin hero, Hayabusa, that you can try to use as a counter to the hero Zhuxin. Because with the skills possessed by Hayabusa himself, he is slippery enough to be caught by Zhuxin, moreover, a squishy hero like Zhuxin himself is also quite easy to be finished off by Hayabusa.


Next, there is also another Assassin hero, Lancelot, where you can fight Zhuxin. As we also know, with the dash skill possessed by the hero, of course, he has high mobility so you can avoid Zhuxin’s skills later.


Then there is also another hero who can threaten backline heroes, namely Ling. With the skills and damage possessed by the hero Ling, he can target heroes like Zhuxin to be able to finish them off quickly.


Another hero is Natalia, as is known, this hero has skills that can counter heroes with thin HP. So that it can be one of the best choices to use in countering the hero Zhuxin.


Then there is also another one, namely Saber this time for you to use in countering Zhuxin. One of the Assassin heroes who has burst damage and CC effects can indeed be a recommendation in finishing off Zhuxin.

Those are some hero choices that you can try to use later in countering Zhuxin. Although there are still many others that you can try later, especially with the heroes you master.

Earlier we explained about some heroes that can be used to counter the Zhuxin hero in the MLBB game. Surely with that you can understand and what do you think about the discussion?