5 Heroes for Counter META Marksman Mobile Legends (ML)

Because playing in the gold lane using marksman can give them a higher networth and EXP. This is also consistent because they don't need to do high-risk ganks like in the jungle.

Currently, META marksman is very annoying in the gold lane. Actually, there are many counter META marksman Mobile Legends (ML) heroes that you can use right now to fight them. Because playing in the gold lane using marksman can give them a higher networth and EXP. This is also consistent because they don’t need to do high-risk ganks like in the jungle.

Indeed, the marksman is not in another jungle, but this is very profitable. Now the team can focus on assassins to the jungle and the tanks and support can be more flexible. In the EXP lane but not much change.


Hayabusa is one of the heroes whose job is to give high damage and kidnap opponents. Against marksman, this hero is very superior and indeed very scary.


Vale has a very strong AoE burst damage. With a skill that has a long reach, he can remove marksman from the game very quickly. But you have to understand positioning when using this hero.


Ling can be said to be similar to Hayabusa where he can kidnap opponents very quickly. High damage and good mobility can make marksman afraid to leave the map. Very helpful as a META marksman hero counter in Mobile Legends.


Similar to Hayabusa where Saber’s single target damage is very dangerous. Especially when he can take advantage of combos and understand the position then there will not be many opponents who can easily survive.


Mathilda can also be a counter marksman because she is a very strong hero. The main factors are gap closing, damage, and skills that can bring a team away or enter a teamfight.

So, those are some counter META marksman heroes in Mobile Legends that might be a threat to marksman. Take advantage of these heroes in your game later. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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