5 Heroes For Martis Combo Mobile Legends (ML)

So for you Martis users. Here, Esportsku will provide a series of recommendations for the best Martis hero combo in Mobile Legends. Please read this review!

Martis is one of the best fighter heroes to use with any role, for those of you Martis users, use the best combo hero in Mobile Legends below. So for you Martis users. Here, Esportsku will provide a series of recommendations for the best Martis hero combo in Mobile Legends. Please read this review!

Playing Martis relies on high mechanics. This hero does not have the same high durability as other heroes, and relies on his mobility.

This is the list of the best Martis hero recommendations in Mobile Legends


The first Martis hero combo is Eudora, this mage hero is often played as support, Eudora’s ability is very good as a damage agent to his opponent.

Martis himself doesn’t have as much damage as other heroes, so the follow-up damage and additional CC from Eudora will really help him in teamfights.

With Eudora’s ability to be very skilled in CC attacks and also great damage, making him one of the most deadly heroes when combined with Martis.


The abilities of Karina and Martis are identical, especially in their ultimate ability which can be reactivated after defeating the opponent.

Both can be very suitable in combos, especially for fast attacks and preying on enemy heroes quickly.

The Karina and Martis combo can be done in targeting the opponent’s hero, for example targeting the core hero with two fast and deadly ultimate attacks.


Just like meta nice one baby, Combo Martis and Rafaela are able to provide maximum support, especially in sidelaner.

Rafaela will continuously heal Martis with this ability that can give him a high sustain ability.

Martis will last longer in a team fight thanks to Rafaela’s healing ability, besides that, Martis himself is classified as having less lifesteal so he needs good heal support.


Not only rafaela, a hero with the ability to heal is also in Angela. You can do the best combo, namely Martis feat Angela.

For example, in a team fight, Martis can do a better attack because of Angela’s support for this hero.

Angela can enter Martis with her ultimate ability and provide shield abilities and increase the hero’s movement speed. With this can make Martis the OP.


Finally, Estes is one of the support heroes, Estes is the best healing hero currently available.

His ability can continuously provide healing to Martis and make it a very significant help.

With Estes’ healing, Martis will become one of the most OP heroes.

So that’s all for the Martis combo hero row in Mobile Legends. Which of these heroes is your favorite hero? Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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