5 Heroes That Are Suitable for Using Immortality Mobile Legends Items (ML)

Esportsku has compiled a list of heroes that will be OP and suitable for using Immortality in the Mobile Legends game!

This is a row of heroes suitable for using Immortality Mobile Legends items. Item or Equipment is an aspect that is always available in a MOBA concept game including Mobile Legends. Esportsku has compiled a list of heroes that will be OP and suitable for using Immortality in the Mobile Legends game!

This item has a large number and has its own unique ability in order to support the hero when ML gameplay begins.

One item that is phenomenal among players is a defense item called the Immortality item. This item is one of the most popular items in Mobile Legends.

Immortality items have the ability to revive their use after being killed a few seconds later. The passive skill of this item will also give the remaining HP of 15& from the max HP when the hero gets back up.

In addition, this passive will also provide an additional shield to the user of 300 to 1000 who are active when he is resurrected by this immortality item. This shield is able to absorb physical damage and last for 3 seconds.

Not only does it provide some extraordinary abilities after facing death but before death. This item will also provide stat points in the form of +800 HP and +4 Physical Defense when the hero starts using it.

Immortality items are items that can be used by almost all role heroes in Mobile Legends. And it is an item that is very often used in gameplay because it has abilities that are very useful for Mobile Legends players.

Then which heroes are suitable for using this Immortality item? To find out the answer, Esportsku has prepared a list of heroes that are suitable for immortality in the Mobile Legends game! Curious? Here’s the review!


Layla is a marksman hero who has very high damage at the end of the game. This Marksman is also suitable for using this immortality item, especially when the late game phase begins.

By using Immortality he can have the opportunity to resurrect instantly, of course, without having to go through the death cooldown phase in the game which can take a very long time.

However, what makes Layla suitable for using it because this marksman will be very vulnerable to being targeted by enemies, besides this marksman has skills to escape and strong defense, therefore immortality will be a very important defense item for this hero.


Next is Lesley, this marksman hero is a suitable hero for immortality in Mobile Legends. Why is that? Because this hero is not very prone to being killed when the late game phase begins.

By using the immortality defense item, Lesley can anticipate abilities that can be very long instantly. So her role as a damage dealer will depend on this.

In addition, Immortality will add attributes to Lesley. Namely physical defense and provide a decent additional HP the first time you use it. No less important Items provide a fairly old shield so that it will increase the defense of this one hero.


Next is Hanabi, this marksman hero is also a hero that is suitable for immortality, because this hero does not have high durability abilities, besides that Hanabi does not have the skills to escape other than flicker.

Even though Hanabi has a passive skill to turn her lifesteal into a shield that is immune to CC effects, this is only temporary and cannot prevent her from dying.

By using Immortality in addition to its durability, this item can raise this one markman instantly without having to go through a fairly long cooldown phase, especially when the late game starts.


Next is Karina, this assassin hero is a hero that is suitable for using immortality items in Mobile Legends. Why so? That’s because this item will prevent Karina from dying when she fails to kill the enemy, especially during the late game.

As we know because it has a passive skill that can reactivate its ultimate when the target is executed. Karina but it will be different when the late game starts Karina will be very difficult to activate her ability,

Because the enemy’s defense will be very thick, knowing this because it will be difficult to execute the opponent to the maximum. Vice versa when it fails it is likely that Karina will be killed. This is where the role of Immortality will begin.


Finally there is Lancelot. This next assassin hero is included in the hero that must use the immortality item in Mobile Legends. Because this assassin hero is not an OP hero when the late game starts.

In this condition Lancelot will be very haunted by death. To anticipate this problem this assassin needs a defense item that can make him go through a fairly long death.

Of course, with the ability of this immortality Lancelot can be revived if he fails to kill the enemy core. It because as an assassin that role is the main thing to do. No wonder immortality will be very useful for this one hero.

That’s a row of 5 heroes that are suitable for using immortality items in Mobile Legends. By knowing the information above, players at least get references about items and heroes in the Mobile Legends game. Thank you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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