5 Heroes That Can Counter Ultimate Gloo Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide a list of heroes who can counter the ultimate Gloo Mobile Legends. Unfortunately there are only three heroes who can really counter the ultimate of a tank. Who are these heroes?

Just like Yve’s new hero, Gloo is also one of the hardest heroes to counter. The ability that can stick like a parasite is quite hard to beat. but you can use 5 heroes that can counter the ultimate Gloo Mobile Legends. Esportsku this time will provide a list of heroes who can counter the ultimate Gloo Mobile Legends. Unfortunately there are only three heroes who can really counter the ultimate of a tank. Who are these heroes?

Gloo is the newest tank hero that is very unique, the ability of this one hero can turn into small particles that can stick to the opponent. Logically, this ability is difficult to attack, but can be defeated with the following three heroes.

As you can see in the Kozuki Official channel, only three heroes can counter Gloo’s ultimate. This is quite similar to Yve’s counter which can only be canceled with two heroes. So who are the three heroes?

In addition, I will also add some heroes according to the experience of playing. So the first three heroes are heroes who are superior against Gloo and the rest will be added.


First is Claude who is one of the very strong marksman heroes and has excellent mobility. With his mobility, Claude can easily counter Gloo.

Gloo skills that can stick to Claude can be overcome by moving places quickly. Gloo’s slow attacks are a weakness in itself. That’s why when Gloo attacks Claude, Claude can strike back.

Use skill two to teleport to the turret or teammates, then use ultimate to attack Gloo, you can also take advantage of the damage from the turret to attack faster in defeating Gloo.

Luo Yi

Luo Yi is one of the heroes who can teleport very easily to defeat Gloo. Yep, with this teleport, Luo Yi was able to counter Gloo in a landslide.

When Gloo attacks, you can use ultimate and mark the area in the turret to increase the attack, when Luo Yi moves, Gloo also moves. However Luo Yi has great help from the turret which can attack Gloo.

Thus Luo Yi was able to defeat Gloo even though it was fairly underhanded. Well, it’s understandable, Gloo’s ultimate ability itself is quite cheating because it can stick and attack freely.


The third hero is Angela. Angela’s ability is very good to counter Gloo. The mechanism is almost the same as you use Luo Yi, which is to teleport and attack him together.

When Gloo attacks Angela. Use Ultimate to enter teammates who are in the turret, when Angela moves, Gloo also moves. Next use a joint attack to defeat Gloo.


Wanwan can be a counter for Gloo considering that you have to kite Gloo. The more attached to himself eating will be very dangerous and here Wanwan can fight Gloo by relentlessly keeping her distance.

Wanwan also has very high damage in the late game and this really helps her. Given that Gloo is very thick and difficult to kill, it can be a threat if it is not removed immediately.

Yi Sun-shin

For those of you who are looking for hit and run heroes and can win against Gloo then YSS is the key. He can be very dangerous when playing against Gloo thanks to his high damage and can go in and out of fights.

As long as YSS is not hit by the full stack and Gloo is multiplied, it’s not a problem. Even though he is hit by the ulti, he can immediately dash and isolate Gloo from his friends and this is Gloo’s weakness that can be used.

Actually almost all CC heroes can beat Gloo but not when he enters ultimate mode. The way to defeat him is to gang up on Gloo directly or give him Crood Control. However, only a few heroes who can go one on one with Gloo can defeat him.

So that’s all for a review of heroes who can counter the ultimate Gloo Mobile Legends. Hopefully the above review can provide useful information for you Mobile Legends gamers. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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