5 Heroes That Can Destroy Turrets Quickly Mobile Legends (ML)!

On this occasion, we will give some heroes that can destroy enemy turrets very quickly.

In this Mobile Legends game, you have a fairly easy task in order to get victory, namely by defeating all enemies and destroying the turret of the enemy. To do this, you can use Hero Destroy the Fastest Turret in Mobile Legends (ML)s. On this occasion, we will give some heroes that can destroy enemy turrets very quickly.

However, it has various challenges that are quite challenging. Before you can destroy the enemy’s main base easily, you must also be able to defeat the enemy Hero who is the core of their damage.

In addition, destroying the turret in order to reach the base is one of the things that Free Fire players must do. If you don’t destroy the Turret in each lane, then the chances for the Minions to push are also getting harder.

If for example you manage to destroy all the turrets in the Upper Lane, then you can attack the main base even though Lane Mid and Bottom still have several turrets or full turrets left.


The first hero who has become the best-selling push hero before is Zilong. This hero has a very fast attack speed and can also deal painful damage to the turret he attacks.

Especially if you pair this Zilong using the Inspire Spell and also the Arival Spell. If the enemy is doing War, you can take advantage of this condition to push.


The next hero who can destroy the turret quickly in the next Mobile Legends is Sun. This hero has an ability that can make a clone of himself and has considerable damage as well.

Sun can destroy the Turret quickly enough with this ability, if you activate Sun’s Ultimate skill then the damage that will be given to the Turret will be greater because your Clone has the same damage as you.


The next Fast Turret Destroying Hero is Karrie. This hero is one of the most terrible Marksman for Tank Heroes in Mobile Legends. The ability of this Hero can give a large True Damage if it has given 4 Hits to the enemy.

In addition, Karrie has considerable damage and attack speed when she activates her Ultimate skill. You can use this skill to destroy enemy turrets quickly.


The next hero is Miya. This Marksman Hero has a passive skill that is very useful when attacking and doing War. Miya’s passive is to increase Attack Speed ​​up to 7 Stacks

Try you already have a suitable build and a fast attack speed, then the attacks given will also be very large to the enemy and also the turret. Miya’s ultimate skill can also provide additional Attack Speed ​​and make it disappear for a few seconds.


The latest hero destroying the fastest turret in Mobile Legends (ML) is Roger. This hero is a very cruel werewolf and has a fairly fast attack speed from his 2 skills. This hero also has a very large damage with the correct build too.

Roger can be used as a Turret destroyer which is quite reliable in the game. With Skill 2 which adds attack speed in wolf mode and the right build, the Turret is nothing in front of Roger.

Those are the 5 heroes that can destroy the turret very quickly in the Mobile Legends game. The turret itself is the essence of victory when playing Mobile Legends. By using the right heroes you can beat the game very quickly! How? Do you want to try one of the 5 heroes while playing? Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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