5 Items Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide tips on 5 Item Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends, which you can try. By using this item, Freya becomes easy to defeat with the hero you are using.

Many Fighter heroes in Mobile Legends are rarely used, even though they have very strong skills to use. For example Freya, this Hero is very strong in playing as Offlaner. However, there is Item Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends that can beat him. Here we will provide tips on 5 Item Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends, which you can try. By using this item, Freya becomes easy to defeat with the hero you are using.

In playing as a Fighter in Offlaner, usually you have to be independent in maintaining the lane. Not only that, you also have to help the mid, so that your lane is safe and not pushed by the enemy. Therefore Freya is very suitable.

Freya can become an Offlaner hero because she has a very high durability to use, making her a difficult hero to beat. However, it has a weakness that makes it difficult to use.

Freya is a fighter hero with a high enough durability from her ultimate. This hero is included as a bruiser hero with his CC skills and damage, allowing Freya to solo easily.

Suitable to be an Offlaner hero, Freya can also be a strong jungler with her skill chain. Because she has a Shield from her ultimate, Freya can be made into a semi tank with DoT items to burn enemies.

However, Freya doesn’t have much movement skills like other fighter heroes, making this hero difficult to use. Because, to attack Freya’s enemies, you must be able to stick with it easily.

Here we will have tips on Item Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends that you can use, when you fight Freya in Mobile Legends. If you have difficulty fighting it, use this item.

Antique Cuirass

This item becomes Freya’s Hero Counter Item in Mobile Legends which is strong for you to use. Because, this item will reduce the enemy’s physical defense, so you can withstand damage from Freya more easily.

Not only that, every time Freya attacks you, Freya’s physical damage will decrease. The debuff will continue to decrease by up to 20%. So, Freya attacks you with less damage.

Blade Armor

This item is certainly very suitable as a Counter Hero Freya item in Mobile Legends. Because Freya is a hero who relies on basic attacks to attack enemies, this item will help you by increasing your physical defense.

Not only that, every basic attack that hits you the damage will be returned to your attacker. So, Freya gets damage that comes from her own basic attack thanks to the items you use.

Wind of Nature

Item Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends which is suitable for physical damage range heroes such as marksman. This item will increase your Physical damage and also your Atk speed in attacking enemies.

This item also has an active skill that will make you immune to enemy physical damage. Because Freya uses Physical damage to attack, you can use the skills of this item to avoid her attacks.

War Axe

An item that is suitable for Fighter heroes because it has stats that increase Physical attack, CD Reduction and also HP. As a Counter Hero Freya item in Mobile Legends, this item is very strong against Freya.

This item has a skill that makes you stronger, the longer you fight the enemy. Because Freya is not a burst damage hero, you get time to collect the stack of this skill item.

Corrosion Scythe

Items that are suitable for marksman or range heroes as Item Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends. This item will increase physical attack and attack speed for users. So, it’s definitely very suitable for marksman heroes.

What makes this item very suitable for Freya’s counter is, this item can make your attacks have a slow effect. With this skill, Freya will find it difficult to catch up with you and continue to be exposed to damage from your attacks from afar.

Those are tips about 5 Item Counter Hero Freya in Mobile Legends, which you can try. The items above are very suitable for use against Freya, but use items depending on the hero you are using to make it more effective. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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