5 Items for Counter Granger Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will give some very strong items to counter Granger. He has high damage and also a strong burst. For some squishy heroes, you should avoid him in the late game full slot.

Talking about damage, nothing can be as high and consistent as Granger. Regarding Granger Mobile Legends (ML) counter items, he actually has a lot of counter items. You can use this when you fight him. Here we will give some very strong items to counter Granger. He has high damage and also a strong burst. For some squishy heroes, you should avoid him in the late game full slot.

Granger is quite terrible thanks to his very aggressive skillset. All of his skills make the damage quite optimal both in terms of DPS or burst. A very strong finisher, but in terms of harass also not inferior.

Well, for those of you who don’t know how to fight Granger in terms of items, don’t worry. Fighting Granger is difficult, especially if he is snowballing. Therefore, from the beginning of the game you have to give him high pressure.

Granger has high damage thanks to his auto attack and passive. Thanks to this combination Granger has the highest possible damage output as a marksman. Of course, it will be very difficult to fight Granger in the late game.

For those of you who are still having trouble, you can use some really superior items. But be careful because in the late game Granger will be very difficult to fight considering that apart from having high damage, he also has good mobility. Here are some counter items for Granger Mobile Legends (ML).

Wind Of Nature

The first item you can buy is Wind of Nature. This item is very strong against Granger because it can be used by marksman who needs additional items and can excel later. This is thanks to its strong active effect for Granger Mobile Legends (ML) counter items.

The active skill of this item will give you invulnerability to physical damage. Against Granger, who does all physical damage, of course it will be useful. For 2 seconds you get a free hit when fighting Granger using marksman.

Winter Truncheon

Now for your mage heroes, you can also use Winter Truncheon too, which is not as good as Wind of Nature. With this item you can avoid Granger’s ulti which is very far away as the finisher.

This item is useful because hero mages are easy to burst. Even with a single Granger damage skill they can be removed easily. Therefore, this item can be considered as a panic button by them for this Granger Mobile Legends (ML) counter item.

Dominance Ice

Dominance Ice can also be a very strong item against Granger. The reason is easy, this item is cheap but the effect is strong. You can get a fairly high armor and also a very interesting passive.

The passive effect of this item will give you an anti heal area which is suitable for Granger. But not only that this item lowers ASPD as well which will indirectly make Granger’s DPS down from his auto attack.

Blade Armor

Now for some heroes, such as tankers, Blade Armor is indeed very strong to use against Granger. This is because this item offers very high armor for its users. But that’s not the only reason for Granger Mobile Legends (ML) counter items.

Blade Armor is very strong because it provides passive to reverse the damage you receive to your opponent. This is useful because Granger has very high damage so the backfire percentage is quite large.

Queen’s Wings

Now there is also Queen’s Wing which can be your main help item. This item must be used by spellvamp heroes who are mostly front-line fighters. In addition to providing a very strong stat, the passive effect is also suitable for Granger.

The passive effect of this item will give you reduced damage when blood is dying. Not only that, you also get additional spellvamp. This is useful against Granger because you can fight back later.

So, those are some very strong Granger Mobile Legends (ML) counter items for you to use. Of course, it can be your mainstay later, especially for some players who have a little difficulty against Granger. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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