5 Mistakes By Luo Yi Mobile Legends (ML) Users

If you are still making some of these mistakes, you shouldn't do them again in matches in Mobile Legends.

Luo Yi is one of the best mage heroes that you can play in Mobile Legends, this one hero is included in the current meta in Season 19, so for those of you who are Luo Yi users, know some of the mistakes of Luo Yi users in Mobile Legends.

Playing Luo Yi usually has a role as support, this hero has great damage and this very skill in Mobile Legends. To play it is sometimes easy and sometimes complicated, but to be able to master this hero, you must first know the mistakes of the Luo Yi user in Mobile Legends.

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide several user errors for Luo Yi in Mobile Legends that you must know about. So, for those of you who still make some of these mistakes, it’s mandatory to avoid them from now on.

If you are still making some of these mistakes, you shouldn’t do them again in matches in Mobile Legends.

These are the mistakes that Luo Yi Mobile Legends (ML) users often make:

Play Solo Lane

Luo Yi’s first mistake was playing solo lane, quite a lot of Luo Yi users played this one hero as a sidelaner to accompany the heroes on the EXP Lane, this was not so wrong, but mistakes occurred because Luo Yi rarely entered teamfights.

Playing good Luo Yi of course plays as a support in the mid lane, you can follow the movements of the tank heroes and also cover your core heroes, your job is to guard the mid lane and minimize your opponent’s movements.

Wrong Placement of Skill Diversion

The second mistake is the misplacement of the Diversion skill, as you all know this skill from Luo Yi’s ultimate ability can provide an advantage as well as be a weapon for masters.

Most of the Luo Yi users do not place the point of the Diversion attack and even when they want to teleport, usually the opponent’s hero is ready to ambush, the best way to use this skill is to place the point on the ambush so that it can give a sudden attack.

Late Using Ultimate

The next mistake made by Luo Yi users is being late in using the ultimate skill. This is often done by Luo Yi users in Mobile Legends, this is usually done when running away.

User Luo Yi didn’t prepare his ultimate in advance, and the place of use was easy for the enemy to know. This allows Luo Yi or his teammates to be countered when trying to escape at the ultimate point.

Wrong Set Position In Teamfight

The next Luo Yi user mistake is setting the wrong position during a teamfight, this is often done by Luo Yi users when playing in Mobile Legends. User Luo Yi didn’t pay much attention to position so it was easy for the opponent to cover.

Never Carry Passengers

The mistake of Luo Yi’s user in the last Mobile Legends was never carrying passengers, this is the same as Johnson’s hero who can carry passengers with his ultimate.

When Luo Yi used the Diversion skill, Luo Yi did not invite her teammates to come and go alone, which would not help the team in the game.

So, those are some of the mistakes made by Luo Yi in Mobile Legends that you must avoid when playing it. Hopefully some of the reviews above can be useful, especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers.

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