5 Mistakes That Are Often Made by Jawhead Mobile Legends Users (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide information about some of the mistakes Jawhead users often make in the Mobile Legends game.

Recently, Jawhead has become one of the meta heroes that you can play in the Mobile Legends game. The ability of this one hero is indeed quite unique and very useful in a match. There are many players who use Jawhead as a mainstay hero. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide information about some of the mistakes Jawhead users often make in the Mobile Legends game.

Jawhead himself is one of the best fighter heroes you can play. This hero is included in the meta and is often banned by players. Not surprisingly, Jawhead is often played in many roles, from support, tanks, and even as an assassin. Interested in knowing some of the Jawhead user errors? Maybe you still do some of these things when playing Jawhead heroes.

Some of the following errors are still often encountered in several matches in Mobile Legends. Whether it’s classic, to ranked. So, to maximize Jawhead’s potential, avoid the following mistakes.

This is the User Jawhead Error in Mobile Legends (ML) :

Using the Ejector Skill Carelessly

The first mistake of Jawhead mobile legends users lies in using skill 2 from the hero. This skill named Ejector makes Jawhead the best hero initiator in Mobile Legends.

But unfortunately. It is enough for players who use ejector skills not with the right timing and use.

This skill has a function to provide movement speed and can paralyze opponents. The enemy that is thrown will get a stun if it hits the wall or the opponent’s hero. This skill is also good for using open war.

But unfortunately, there are still many mistakes from using this skill. For example throwing a cursed hero like Tigreal or other tanks. As well as having an initiate, but teammates are not ready to do war.

Roaming Without Using Skills 2

The second mistake of Jawhead users is using skill 2 or Ejector in roaming. Many of you might save this skill and only use it when there are enemies. However, this is a fatal mistake.

You can use the 2 Jawhead skill to roam in all directions. This is very useful for speeding up Jawhead’s rotation so that he can catch up with his opponent easily. That way, you can rotate to various lanes easily and quickly.

Skill One That Often Hit the Jungle

When playing Support Tank, Jawhead users usually use their first skill to help kiting jungle monsters.

This aims to help complete the jungle quickly and is given to your core hero.

But there are some mistakes which when you use skill 1 first but instead get the last in the jungle.

Because this skill moves automatically and cannot be moved so you have to be smart in using it especially when farming. This will interfere with the game and make your core hero slow farming.

Using Ulti Before Teamfight

What’s interesting about Jawhead users is the ultimate skill that doesn’t give a chance even when the enemy runs away. This one hero is indeed quite good as an executor hero in Mobile Legends. But there are still many mistakes that Jawhead often makes in Mobile Legends.

The fatal mistake lies in the Jawhead hero gameplay mechanism where many of the hero users use the ultimate first. Ultimate Jawhead functions like a Rocket and chases opponents and provides stun. This skill is very useful as a finishing to chase an opponent who is running away rather than using it before the team fight begins.

Not Leveraging Passives

The last mistake of Jawhead users is that not many use their passivity in gameplay.

This passive skill is what makes Jawhead a hero with great damage because it has the ability to increase Jawhead’s damage many times over.

The best way to take advantage of this passive is to get your opponent close to Jawhead while you attack him with your first skill. There is a circle of damage around Jawhead mobile legends. Now it’s your job so that your opponent is in that area.

That’s just a review of some of the mistakes that Jawhead users often make in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully the reviews above can make you even better at using this one hero. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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