5 Mobile Legends Heroes Who Are OP Because of Walls (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a row of Mobile Legends heroes who are OP because of walls.

There are so many heroes in Mobile Legends, with various skills and their best abilities. One of them is the ability that makes him very OP with the presence of walls. So curious about the Mobile Legends heroes who are OP thanks to the Wall? On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a row of Mobile Legends heroes who are OP because of walls.

Starting from the gameplay mechanism using walls or skills that are very possible, it will increase significantly with the presence of a wall or wall called. Now the row of Mobile Legends heroes who are OP thanks to walls, who are they?


First there is Khufra who is a Mobile Legends hero who is OP thanks to walls, Khufra’s ultimate skill ability that can stop his opponent in the specified direction.

The ability of this skill can indeed be used in all conditions, but by pointing it at the wall, the opponent will get a disable effect that is stronger than usual.


Next is Akai who is a Mobile Legends hero who is OP thanks to the wall, Akai’s Hurricane Dance ability will be optimal if you direct him to the wall.

In normal mode, Akai will lead the opponent in the desired direction, but the enemy can easily escape, saying if you aim at the wall, the target will not move at all.


Next is Fanny who is the most agile assassin hero in Mobile Legends. Without a wall, Fanny can’t be used at all. This is because the steel cable skill is very dependent on the wall.

Walls can be a foothold for Fanny to fly in the map in the Land of Dawn, hero one is very dependent on the existence of walls that can make him maneuver in Mobile Legends.


Next is Grock who is the strongest tank hero in Mobile Legends today. Grock’s passive ability allows you to get a shield when Grock approaches the wall.

Yep, the wall is an important foothold for Grock’s hero to make him very strong when played in Mobile Legends.


Finally, there is the Ling hero who is one of the best assassin heroes who is very optimal when playing on a wall. Ling can move very fast, and increase the energy regen more than when outside the wall.

Hero Ling will be very deadly when on the wall, he also gets an ability that is arguably difficult to catch by other heroes in Mobile Legends.

That’s all the Mobile Legends heroes are OP thanks to the walls you can use in Mobile Legends. Hopefully, the presence of the reviews above can be useful especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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