5 Slow Effect Items in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide recommendations for Mobile Legends slow effect items that can strengthen your hero in a match in Mobile Legends. You must record the following heroes!

Did you know that to add Crowd Control you can use the slow effect item Mobile Legends? You can use the following items that can make your hero even more deadly. Esportsku this time will provide recommendations for Mobile Legends slow effect items that can strengthen your hero in a match in Mobile Legends. You must record the following heroes!

The number of items makes you maybe confused to use whatever items are suitable for your hero, especially these items are very suitable for heroes such as support who rely on CC as their attack.

In the Mobile Legends game, there are many items that can have a slow effect that you can use to add Crowd Control. What are these items?

Corrosion Scythe

The first item is Corrosion Scythe, this item is very suitable for use by hero marksman where the resulting slow effect can be issued by the basic attack hero.

Corrosion Scythe has a 50% chance of giving a slow effect on the opponent by using its basic attack, the slow effect is area, the first slow effect is 30% for a slow area of 15%.

Winter Truncheon

The two items that have a slow effect are Winter Truncheon, this item can give you a slow effect as well as farming, especially for those of you who are hero mages.

Winter Truncheon will allow it to have a slow effect when your HP reaches 30%, it will make the hero who hits you get a movement speed reduction of 80%.

Ice Queen Wand

Next is the Ice Queen Wand which has the ability to provide a slow effect at the same time with great damage, the ability of this item is very suitable for use by support heroes.

Ice Queen Wand will allow your opponent to deal damage and cause a slow effect on them by 15%, the slow effect will last for 3 seconds and can be stacked 2 times.

Thunder Belt

Next in a defense item called Thunder Belt, this item will allow you to get a slow effect which is an area or a Slow Ranged Effect, which is very suitable for use by tanker heroes.

The Thunder Belt has an ability that can provide a slow effect of 60%, which will activate when you attack your opponent using skills. The slow effect will last for 1.5 seconds.

Dominance Ice

astly is Dominance Ice, which is one of these defenses that focuses on reducing the opponent’s attack speed and giving a slow effect on the opponent, this item is perfect for use on marksman heroes.

Dominance Ice’s ability will have a slow effect by reducing the opponent’s movement speed by 10% and reducing the opponent’s attack speed by 30%. Now you must use Dominance Ice to fight the marksman hero.

Now that’s all for the series of slow effect items in Mobile Legends that you can use as an addition to Crowd Control in a match. You can use these items to get victory. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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