5 Strongest Heroes To Rank Up In Season 22 Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide a nest of the 5 strongest heroes to rank up for season 22 in Mobile Legends that you can try. The heroes below have a high win rate and pick rate in ranked Mobile Legends.

Heroes in Mobile Legends change with many buff, nerf and revamp updates. Some heroes are often used thanks to the buffs given and become one of the 5 strongest heroes ranked season 22 in Mobile Legends. Here we will provide a nest of the 5 strongest heroes to rank up for season 22 in Mobile Legends that you can try. The heroes below have a high win rate and pick rate in ranked Mobile Legends.

When playing ranked in Mobile Legends, using a strong character can help you win the game easily. Some characters are buffed, usually become more often used, because they have a high pick rate and win rate.

Indeed, using a hero that matches the meta is very good to play, but you also have to look at your team comp in order to work well together. Because, by working together well, you can win the ranked game.


Clint is a strong carry character with a long shooting range and high burst damage. This hero is very suitable to be a jungler and also a gold lane, because he can give high burst damage.

His long range of passive helps him to attack enemies safely. This hero also has a movement skill that can give a slow effect to the enemy, making him able to do kiting easily.


Selena is a pretty flexible hero depending on how you play. You can use Selena as a mage assassin or make her a strong support with strong trap skills and hard CC skills.

this one hero is very widely used in Mobile Legends, because this hero is very difficult to fight. A trap skill that can give slow and damage, along with stun with a long distance and long stun duration, makes it a strong support hero.


Paquito is a fighter/bruiser hero with very strong durability to withstand enemies and also attack enemies. A skill that can give a knockback, making it able to target the enemy and continue to provide a strong stun lock.

This hero is a tanky hero who is very difficult to fight in the early game and very easy for Paquito to win his lane. However, in the late game Paquito becomes a very tanky hero, and can open teamfights easily.


Yve is a hero mage with a fairly long skill range, making him very strong in the early game. With skill burst from skill 1 and his ultimate, Yve is very strong to attack enemies from a distance.

In using this hero, the position in using skills to attack the enemy. This hero is very difficult to approach with his CC skills, and easy for Yve to do kiting.


Beatrix is a very flexible Marksman character with various types of attacks she has. You can attack enemies with high sustain damage, or use burst damage from the type of weapon they have.

This hero becomes very strong when you understand the use of the weapon. Strong in various conditions, Beatrix is very easy to attack enemies from a distance with very high damage.

Those are tips about the 5 strongest heroes to rank up for season 22 in Mobile Legends that you can try. These 5 characters become very much in the pick with a high win rate. Maybe you can try using this character to do push rank. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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