5 Teamfight Strategies for Brody Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the team fight strategy of Brody Mobile Legends.

Brody is one of the marksman heroes in Mobile Legend which is a new hero on the Original Mobile Legends Server. Brody himself is not a typical Dps marksman but he prefers burst damage because it takes time to charge when attacking an opponent. This time we will review the Brody Mobile Legends teamfight strategy for you because this hero is indeed suitable for these conditions. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the team fight strategy of Brody Mobile Legends.

Playing Brody is actually quite difficult and requires adjusting the way he attacks his opponents. You must first lock the opponent’s hero you want to attack and after that it must take a few seconds to charge before attacking your opponent. The resulting damage is quite large from the Early game.

Together with some of your teammates

The first step that you have to pay attention to and do is together with some of your teammates when going to teamfight. This can be the basis for starting a teamfight well. Because it is impossible for a marksman hero to be the front line when there is a team fight because he has to last a long time to inflict great damage on the opponent’s hero.

Exploiting Ambush Around Opponents

You must be able to make good use of the Ambush around your opponent. You must do this to observe your opponent’s movements while waiting for a blunder to occur. so can easily monitor your opponent’s rotation by staying quietly in ambush. This have to do this well and don’t get caught by your opponent.

Waiting for the Right Moment

When an opponent makes a blunder marked by an offside position, that’s the right moment for you to do a team fight. When there is an enemy hero who is kidnapped, the other opponent’s hero will come to help him. Now that’s where the team fight will happen, if you can kill the opponent’s hero who blunders at the start, of course it will be an advantage for you because it will be superior in terms of damage.

Brody Using his Combo skill to the maximum

When there is a teamgfight, you as Brody, who is a damage dealer, must be able to take advantage of every existing skill properly. If Brody can use his skills to the maximum, he will produce enormous damage. This can make you win the war easily.

Using the right build item

The right build is also an important strategy that can make your Brody stronger while in a teamfight. Brody can use true damage build items which will make him even stronger in gameplay.

That’s an explanation of the team fight strategy of Brody Mobile Legends that I have discussed in Esports. You will easily win every teamfight by implementing this strategy. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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