5 Tips for Efficient Ganking in Mobile Legends

In general, all heroes regardless of their role can gang up. However, there are some heroes or roles that are more advantageous and prioritized.

5 tips for efficient ganking in Mobile Legends. Of course, ganking in moba is very important regardless of the game. With the important gank you can turn things around and even win the game. Therefore it is very important to make a perfect gang for the benefit of your team.

In general, all heroes regardless of their role can gang up. However, there are some heroes or roles that are more advantageous and prioritized. Even so whatever it is, the goal remains the same, which is to get a kill or push the enemy so they can’t do anything on the lane.

Actually doing a good gank is a bit difficult considering the higher your rank, the harder your opponent will be. In addition, of course, the enemy already knows what to do and how to avoid being ganged up. Even so, you have to keep polishing each other’s ganking skills.

Here we will provide 5 tips for efficient ganking in Mobile Legends. With these tips it is hoped that you will be able to play better and also not waste many opportunities. Especially when the enemy is ganged once, they will start to be careful when playing.

Pay attention to the opponent’s position

In ganking you must be good at reading the situation. One of the things that is very important is the position of the opponent. Don’t try it unless you are sure you can gang up on enemies who are too close to their tower.

Let them off guard or ask your team members to lure opponents to blunders. The farther they are from their tower the better it is to gang up.

Start Gank From A Good Position

You have to gank from the perfect place or position. There’s no way you guys will go forward and gang like idiots. What you have to pay attention to is the advantage of the starting position of each hero.

A suitable place is a place where it is difficult for an opponent to see like the bush. Besides the bush, there are also several other places that are good, such as from outside the fog or using skins that have a very good gap closer. Take advantage of all available tools.

Use the Right Hero

Although technically all heroes can rank, you have to remember that there are still some heroes who are stronger. These heroes usually have similarities that are almost similar. Use a hero who has high damage or has CC that you can take advantage of. This is very useful considering the gang must be effective.

Usually fighter, assassin, and mage heroes are very strong in this regard. They have CC and burst which is really needed when ganking on the opponent’s lane.

Prioritize Your Lane Core

For lanes that need ganking, all actually need it, but there are priorities. Always prioritize your safelane and midlane when ganking. This is because these two lanes are usually filled with core heroes who really need help.

By ganking on the right lane you can also help their farming.

Gank Not Always Kill

This is an important thing for you to remember. Ganking doesn’t mean you have to kill. Even though kill is very important, don’t force it. If you do a gang that forces the enemy to go home, this is more than enough.

Those are 5 tips for efficient ganking in Mobile Legends. It is very important to master the gank because with a gank that is always successful you can control the map.

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