5 Tips for Gold Laner Clint Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss tips on playing Clint Gold Laner Mobile Legends.

Clint is one of the marksman heroes in Mobile Legends who has a passive skill to generate critical damage to enemies. Clint is considered less effective to play on the current Mobile Legends meta. But you can still play and fit in the gold lane in gameplay. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss tips on playing Clint Gold Laner Mobile Legends.

Gold laner is a suitable lane for marksman heroes who need a lot of gold to buy items. Clint himself is included in the hero category like that, this is what makes Clint Mobile Legends very suitable to be played on the gold laner in the current meta. To be able to play it well you have to be able to take advantage of every attack skill properly.

Focus on Laning in the Early Game

When playing on Gold Laner, Clint must be able to play well in the Early game. Considering that the resulting damage is still small enough to attack your opponent in the early game, then the best way is for you to do defense and focus on laning. Prioritize cleaning the minions first to get a lot of gold. Don’t get poke damage from your opponent which can reduce your HP quite a lot. This will hinder your development in the early game.

Deals Poke Damage to Opponents

You can also use one skill to give poke damage to your opponent. You can also use the ultimate skill to properly repay your opponent’s cell. By giving poke damage, of course it will make the enemy easier for you to pressure and benefit you.

Watch the Map, Keep a Good Position

You also have to pay attention to the map and always maintain a good position. You must do this to avoid ganking attacks from your opponent. Always check ambush around you to make sure you are safe.

Hit the turret to get additional gold

When there is an opportunity to attack your opponent’s turret in the first 3 minutes, then maximize that opportunity. Gold that you will increase to be more. This can help you to develop even better in the Early game.

Last Hit to Get Lots of Gold

Doing the last hit is very important when you play in the Clint Gold laner. This will make the amount of gold you get even more maximal. Make sure to do your last hit well so that your Clint gets richer!

That’s the explanation about the tips for playing Clint Gold Laner Mobile Legends that Esportsku have discussed. Apply the tips above well so that your Clint can develop quickly when played on Gold Laner in a gameplay. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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