5 Ways to Improve ML Farming Skills, Fast Item Build!

Doing a very effective mobile legends farming is rather difficult because you need to have high macro skills. You will be required to make a very important decision between continuing to farm, push, or help the team in mobile legends.

Farming is the most important skill and task to have, especially by core heroes. Core heroes are heroes who enter top 3 positions from their farming strength. Usually filled with the role of marksman, assassin/jungler, and fighter. With farming you will get high profits. There are ways to improve your farming skill that we will provide this time.


Table of Content

  1. Last Hit
  2. Maintain Creep Equilibrium
  3. Calculate and Observe the Enemy Movement
  4. Keep Active
  5. Push Enemy Back


Doing a very effective mobile legends farming is rather difficult because you need to have high macro skills. You will be required to make a very important decision between continuing to farm, push, or help the team in mobile legends.


In addition to the difficulty of farming, it is usually the most sneer from the team members if you fail or if the team doesn’t understand you. Here we will give you 5 tips to improve your farming skill to be very strong when playing Mobile Legends.


1. Last Hit

When you do farming, don’t be careless when doing farming in lane. If you want to gain maximum gold, do the last hit. Last hit means you kill creeps with your damage, so you won’t get the passive gold only. Last hit is very beneficial to heroes who have higher damage and good auto animation.


Practice your last hit skills by continuing to play. Usually heroes who easily do the last hit are melee heroes, because they don’t need to calculate the distance and their range attack speed.

2. Maintain Creep Equilibrium

Creep Equilibrium is a term that is rarely used and only understood by high-level players. If you don’t know what Creep Equilibrium is, it is the balance of creep in the lane. Example to maintain the equilibrium is that you do not push the creeps too far into the enemy tower too often. You can do this by focusing on the last hit and don’t often do unnecessary damage to enemy creeps.


If your creep equilibrium is bad, you will push the creep towards the enemy tower too much. This will harm you because if the creep is too far, you will be vulnerable to sudden attack by the enemy heroes.


3. Calculate and Observe the Enemy Movement

When you do farming, do not carelessly do farming. Keep monitoring your enemies in the lane. The reason is if the enemy is being hit or in an unseeded situation but they are playing confident or even aggressive. This is a sign that they are preparing a sudden attack for you.


If you often go home or die when farming, your farming speed and GPM will be very bad. It’s better to play it safe by increasing farming skill rather than trying to confront and kill enemy heroes.

4. Keep Active

Remember that the source of gold is not only in the lane, there are still many sources of gold that you can get. This must be used by the farmer so that their GPM is effective. If the enemy creeps already dead. Try to rotate to another lane, or try to kill enemies Gold Buff Creep or clean your jungle. The advantage of playing as a farmer in the mid and safe lane is they are very close to the jungle.


This requires good macro skills ranging from reading maps, calculating creep speeds, and also avoiding sudden attack. You must be active in doing this in order to improve your farming skill.

5. Push Enemy Back

If your farming is not doing well because of a variety of factors, at least make your enemies feel the same way. In the lane if you are in an unseeded position, ask your team members to change position with you. Try to push the enemy back so you can do better farming.


That’s 5 ways to improve ML farming skills that you must remember and learn when doing a very effective farm. This is very important because doing a good farm will be felt in the late game both for you or your own team.

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