6 Anti Marksman Tank Items in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku will provide recommendations for the best anti marksman tank item in Mobile Legends that can block all marksman hero attacks during the late game. So that your tank hero gets stronger. Don't forget to use the following heroes!

You can use this Anti Marksman Tank item in Mobile Legends (ML) to fight ML marksman. Esportsku will provide recommendations for the best anti marksman tank item in Mobile Legends that can block all marksman hero attacks during the late game. So that your tank hero gets stronger. Don’t forget to use the following heroes!

Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBA games that has many gameplay mechanisms. One of them is the use of the right items and can provide resistance to a hero.

Marksman is a very tough hero when the late game arrives, therefore when you reach the late game you must use anti marksman items, especially for tank heroes in Mobile Legends. This is so that it gets stronger to face every attack from the hero.

Rows of anti marksman tank items in Mobile Legends can make your tank hero stronger in gameplay! Don’t forget to write down and use it!

Twillight Armor

First there is the anti marksman tank item in Mobile Legends, namely the Twilight Armor which has a very strong ability to win critical marksman hero attacks. The marksman hero himself has very large crit during the late game.

This item can provide a 20% Crit Reduction attribute which can weaken this critical ability. Not only that, this item can also reduct every opponent’s attack so that it does not exceed 900 points.


Immortality is very useful for tank heroes when facing opponents, especially during late games. The ability of this item can give a resurrect effect to the hero when it is used.

With the ability, it will provide one more opportunity to attack your opponent or run away so that you will keep KDA intact and avoid being fed.

Blade Armor

Next is Blade Armor which is an anti marksman tank item in Mobile Legends. The ability of this item can provide 90 Physical Damage and can also counterattack its opponent.

Blade Armor has a passive ability that can provide a 25% Physical Attack attack on the opponent’s hero who attacks him using basic attacks. This is suitable for counting hero marksman in the late game.

Queen’s Wings

Kemampin this item is indeed very famous and has become a popular item to use both marksman, tank and fighter heroes. Queens Wings ability can provide 40% Damage Reduction which is very suitable for defense.

Not only provides complete attributes such as 1000 HP, 15 Physical ATK, 10 CD Reduction. This item can withstand almost half of the damage received, Queen Wings can also provide additional lifesteal when it reaches a certain HP.

Dominance Ice

Dominance can be your choice who has a pretty good stat. This item provides strong defense, mana, and crit reduc. But what you are looking for is the minus ASPD which this aura is very useful.

For some heroes who depend on ASPD it will be very effective. Call it Claude and Karrie who need fast ASPD to take advantage of their passive and item builds. Better than stack armor.

Antique Cuirass

Lastly is Antique Cuirass which is an item to reduce the Physical Attack of the opponent when he gets an attack. This is perfect for fighting hero marksman.

Not only that, this item also provides 920 HP, 54 Physical Defense and 6 HP Regen. With this ability, it can provide a solid defense when dealing with hero marksman.

But you also have to pay attention to what marksman you are fighting against. For example, increasing armor and HP is considered less useless when fighting Claude and Karrie considering that they drain% HP.

In the above case, it is more suitable if you are stacking minus ASPD. It’s hard to fight a marksman that is a bit different, so you better try to use the one that fits the conditions and situations.

So that’s it for this recommendation regarding the anti marksman tank item in Mobile Legends. Hopefully the reviews above can provide useful information for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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