7 Easiest and Deadly Mage Mobile Legends (ML)

These heroes are suitable for new Mobile Legends players. Yes, it's roughly a beginner, but these heroes are also sometimes used by pro players too. In this list we will be discussing is mage.

There are so many heroes that you can use in Mobile Legends and of course all of them have difficulty levels. Well, there is also the easiest Mobile Legends (ML) mage that you can use. These heroes are suitable for new Mobile Legends players. Yes, it’s roughly a beginner, but these heroes are also sometimes used by pro players too. In this list we will be discussing is mage.

But remember, even though these heroes are easy to use, that doesn’t mean they aren’t that good. Even some heroes that you think are newbie heroes or easy to use, they are also very strong in matches.

So don’t underestimate the heroes who are considered easy. It comes back to the individual pilots which player will have a big impact. Without a great pilot or player, the potential of the hero will be small.

These mage heroes have strong damage and CC. Also suitable for beginners who want to learn to use them and learn the basic mechanics of Mobile Legends.

For those of you who are curious, just go below. Here are some of the easiest Mobile Legends (ML) mages that you can use :


Eudora is definitely on this list. Even though it’s easy to use, don’t underestimate it. Eudora is the sickest mage in terms of burst and he doesn’t need high mechanics.


Alice is actually a bit weird. He is easy to use, but has a high skill ceiling thanks to his positioning and game sense. But basically, it’s easy to use as long as it’s not on the hard counter.


Just like Alice, easy to use but Esmeralda has high potential in the right hands. Very sustain and has high damage, Esme is a hero who is also easy to use.


Using Chang’e doesn’t require high skills, you just need the right positioning. He has brilliant damage potential thanks to his ultimate. But you can’t just ulti just like that.


Cyclops is an interesting hero because in terms of damage it may lose to other mages. But he has a very annoying CC lock and he is also the easiest Mobile Legends (ML) mage right now.


Nana is very attached to the noob hero stereotype, this is because she doesn’t need so many mechanics and skills. The important thing is that your CC is about the right person and this has been very helpful.


Gord has a fairly high damage output. He also doesn’t need a lot of mechanics as long as his skills hit all the targets needed. Ultimate but need the right positioning.

Those are some of the easiest Mobile Legends (ML) mages. Remember, even though they are easy to use, that doesn’t mean they are less powerful. Even some are high tier heroes and subscriptions are picked at high ranks as well as pro matches.

It all comes back to the player’s skills and how they are used. Increase the potential of these heroes by increasing your skill mechanics slowly as well. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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