7 Most Durable Hero Items in Mobile Legends (ML)

For those of you who are curious, just check below. Of course, it can be very helpful later for those who want to stay on the lane or map. But it should also be noted that you have to play smart and can't be careless.

Currently, the out-sustain meta is quite popular by making your heroes durable in the game. Well, there are some of the most durable hero items in Mobile Legends (ML) that you can use on your heroes. These items can make the hero not need to go home. For those of you who are curious, just check below. Of course, it can be very helpful later for those who want to stay on the lane or map. But it should also be noted that you have to play smart and can’t be careless.

What you need in playing long games without going home are resources. Resources vary but the most important is your HP. Besides that, there are also things like mana and stamina depending on your hero.

For those of you who want to try some of these items, this might be very helpful. Especially for those of you who need consistent map control and don’t often return to base to refill. Useful for tanks and support.

The items here will be very effective for you to use. So don’t miss the good things when using it, especially for those who want to last long when playing on the lane. Want to rarely go home use these items.

Here are some items that can make you more durable when playing in Mobile Legends :

Guardian Helmet

Guardian Helmet can help you be very durable in the game because you can regenerate continuously when outside the fight.


Oracle is very strong for those of you who have heal because the heal effect will be strengthened. Besides that the shield is also the same and can make you thicker when in the game.

Enchanted Talisman

If your problem is where as a mage, use this item. Talisman can make your mana regen very quickly and it’s almost impossible to run out of mana in a short time.

Haas’s Claw

If you have high auto damage like marksman, just attack creeps with this item to make your HP full again.

Concentrated Magic

Same with Haas, the difference is for magical heroes. A high lifesteal effect and being able to heal when killing the opponent’s hero will help.

Bloodlust Axe

For spellvamp heroes, take it easy because with this item you can stay in the game for a very long time. Moreover, spellvamp heroes rarely depend on where.

Blood Wings

This item offers very high HP and magic. Not only that, you can also get a shield every 30 seconds which is very strong.

Those are some of the most durable hero items in Mobile Legends (ML) that might really help you not to return to base. Take advantage of your build items. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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