7 Tips By 1 Pharsa Lane Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide 7 Tips to Fight Pharsa in Lane Mobile Legends, which you can try. By using these tips, maybe you can fight Pharsa more easily later.

Hero Pharsa in Mobile Legends is one of the Mage heroes who is very fast in Roaming and also has a very wide AoE to attack enemies. That way, Pharsa becomes a very strong burst mage hero. Here we will provide 7 Tips to Fight Pharsa in Lane Mobile Legends, which you can try. By using these tips, maybe you can fight Pharsa more easily later.

Pharsa is a very strong Zoning hero to attack enemies from a distance. This hero is one of the most powerful Burst Mage heroes in Mobile Legends. Other heroes like Eudora have a closer range than Pharsa.

However, this Hero has a weakness in its use, making it a bit difficult to use. Due to his attacks from a distance, Pharsa is very weak against CC and also Burst damage.

Hero Poke with a long range and also passive that allows him to penetrate this wall, becomes one of the mage heroes who are very easy to Roam. Usually plays as a Mage in the Mid lane, or becomes a support.

Even though he has a long attack and high damage, Pharsa can’t run away from enemies easily. He can only rely on his morph skills. Here are tips to be able to fight Pharsa in Mobile Legends.

Flank Using Hero Assassin

Pharsa has little blood even though she can attack enemies from a distance. By using an assassin, you can attack Pharsa from behind when he uses ultimate.

Use CC Skills Like Stun or Root

When Pharsa uses a morph skill that turns her into a bird to run, you can still stop her by using CC skills such as Stun or Root. That way, you can catch it easily.

Stay Away From Pharsa When He Uses Ultimate

When Pharsa uses Ultimate, you can run from the ultimate distance in order to avoid his attacks. If you feel that the enemy does not know how to attack well, you can enter the bush to avoid his attacks.

Magic Resist Item

Items like Athena Shield are perfect for resisting Pharsa’s attacks. By using the Magic Resist item, you can withstand the burst damage given by Pharsa.

Attack When Pharsa’s Skill Has Been Used

Pharsa has a long Skill Cooldown, making it very easy to attack when the skill is used. Watch the enemy’s movements, and attack when Pharsa has used her skills.

Use Damage Burst To Attack

You can also use Burst damage from other heroes to defeat Pharsa. As you know, Pharsa’s blood is very small. So, you can beat him easily.

Gank Pharsa with the team

If you can’t beat Pharsa alone, you can ask your friends for help to do a gank. That way, Pharsa will find it difficult to do farming.

Those are 7 Tips to Fight Pharsa on Lane Mobile Legends, which you can try. Hero mages like Pharsa do have a very long skill range, but the hero has little blood to use. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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