8 Free Fire Tips on Using the Handgun

There are various types of weapons you can use in the game, that includes pistols, shotguns, SMGs, Assault rifles, Snipers, etc.

Free Fire is a battle royale shooting game. This game is quite popular in Indonesia and has a lot of players worldwide. There are many weapons that you can use in the game, and every weapons and characters combination will have different results regarding the playing style of the player. In Free Fire, you will also have some upgrades like character skills and pet skills.

When you look for a weapon in Free Fire, you can find it in various places like houses, dead bodies, streets. There are various types of weapons you can use in the game, that includes pistols, shotguns, SMGs, Assault rifles, Snipers, etc.

One of the kind of weapons is the handgun or pistols. These type of weapon is quite rare to use, but players often use this weapon as a substitute weapon.

Here’s some tips for you on using the handgun in Free Fire, so the handgun will be useful for you!

Use it When Your Main Weapon Runs Out of Ammo

While in battle, you will surely waste a certain amount of ammo. In this case, you’ll need to reload and it will surely cost you some time for your main weapon to be able to use. However, there are times when you completely run out of ammo. When you run out of ammo, you can try using the pistol as your last stand.

A Great Support for the Team

When you play with a squad, using a pistol can also be useful to support your teammate. Using a pistol can be beneficial to conserve your main weapon’s ammo.

Useful for Early Battle

When you land, you can find various items available for you to loot. When you land and you find a pistol, just grab and use it. This weapon can be useful when you don’t have anything in your hand. This weapon’s damage can be dangerous for the enemy. So try to keep one even though you’ve find a better weapon.

Also Useful for Long Range

If you think that pistol cannot be used for long range, you better think again! Because in Free Fire, there is a pistol that can also be useful for long range shootout. The pistol’s name is M500, where this weapon’s range can be up to 76. This pistol can be considered as a mini sniper in Free Fire.

Try to Find the Treatment Gun

In Free Fire, you can also try to find the treatment gun. The treatment gun is also considered a pistol category in Free Fire. This pistol enables you to heal your teammate. And it will be better if you use Kapella while using this weapon.

Rescuing Your Teammate

When your teammate got knocked out, enemies will have confidence to rush your squad. However, if you wield a pistol, you can try to distract your enemy by shooting at them. When you have their attention, you can switch to your main weapon and kill your enemy afterwards.

Kill Your Knocked Out Enemy

This pistol can be useful to conserve your main weapon’s ammo. If there’s an enemy that is knocked out, you can kill them with a pistol to conserve your main weapon’s ammo.

Rush Your Enemy!

The M1873 pistol is a pistol with a huge damage rate. This weapon is useful for you players that like to rush your enemy. The character Jota is suitable with this weapon as well.

That’s some information we can give you, so that you can use the pistol in Free Fire by getting to know their functions. Good luck!

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