8 Hero Mobile Legends That Are Effective Using Retribution Spell

Battle spell retribution in the Mobile Legends game. By using this battle spell, you can quickly farm in Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBA games that has many heroes in it. There are Assassin heroes, marksman heroes, tank heroes, mage heroes with their own unique abilities. After previously discussing the deadly heroes when using Execute, this time we will discuss a row of heroes who really have to use Retribution in Mobile Legends. In this time we will discuss a row of heroes who are really obliged to use battle spell retribution in the Mobile Legends game. By using this battle spell, you can quickly farm in Mobile Legends.

Retribution is a battle spell that is specialized for farming, by using Retribution, the hero you use will give a last hit to jungle monsters, such as buffs, turtles, lords and others. The ability of Retribution itself is relied on by many Assassin heroes. So here is a list of heroes who really have to use Retribution in Mobile Legends.


Fanny’s need for blue buff requires this one hero to be the only choice to use this battle spell. Which we already know that if Fanny doesn’t use the blue buff, it will be a burden during the team fight.

Only a handful of players can use this one hero. Which if you don’t always hone your fanny cable skills, the skills you have will decrease.


Battle spell retribution is one of the things that must be used by Ling, not only to get the last hit when you get a buff, retribution can also be used for those of you who want to steal your opponent’s jungle very quickly.


Battle Spell retribution itself is widely used by assassin heroes, which they can use to do farming quickly.

Gusion himself is an assassin who is currently quite meta in Mobile Legends. Which even though he had a nerf, this one hero was still very agile and also deadly.


As an assassin, Hayabusa himself is a very agile hero, his offensive ability is very fast and can interfere with his opponent.


With the current meta hyper carry, making Lancelot have to be fast in farming.

Lancelot is a typical hero who is very agile. His ability to attack opponents makes this one hero feared by opponents. Especially as an assassin, this one hero has very solid immunity and can neutralize all attacks against him.


To increase Roger’s speed in farming, this one hero must use retribution in Mobile Legends. If you see matches such as MPL and MDL tournaments, this one hero is indeed a favorite of Pro Players in Mobile Legends.


Harley’s ability to make surprise attacks makes this one hero the best execution in Mobile Legends. But because he already has various aspects of his mobility in Mobile Legends. This one hero is a hero who uses a lot of battle spell retribution.


Kagura is one of the mage heroes in Mobile Legends who is very tough, but very difficult to play. Apart from using flameshot and also executing, Kagura also uses retribution quite often when used as a midlaner.

The reason for using his own retribution is because Kagura already has other mobility. This one hero is very agile and even has a debuff neutralizer like using Purify, Kagura also already has Flicker with his second skill.

Now that’s all the row of Mobile Legends heroes who really have to use retribution. Hopefully the reviews above can be useful especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to follow our official Instagram at @esports.ku for more updates.

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