8 Pro Vision ML Strategies Discover the enemy of Mobile Legends, really easy!


Vision in Mobile Legends means your visibility or the information that your screen can process. Vision must be owned by both teams and indeed they will be intertwined because with the exact vision they will be greatly benefited. It’s hard to play without any vision or good information because it will easily be in the Gank or turned off your hoist. This time we will discuss about Pro Vision ML strategy Find the enemy Mobile Legends that you should know.

Actually controlling the information and the vision map is not that difficult, but there are some roles that do have to be pressed when doing so like support-Roamer. Role of mobile Legends is usually with the assassin will set the tempo of the game by turn vision and map information so that the other hero core is not difficult.

Here we will provide guide, tips and how to control the best information and vision map in Mobile Legends. It is obligatory for you to learn because by controlling the information of the map, not only benefit you but the enemy will be very difficult.


If we talk about the map in Mobile Legends, all of them also know that the map consists of three lane, two jungle, and two objective Lord/turtle spots. It is very simple, but if we talk about the map control then it’s another thing.

Vision or information in the map is very important for you to use when playing. Enemies that have no control of information and vision will be difficult once when playing because all will be risky. They will be difficult to do jungling, objective, farming, pushing, or simply roaming. With you control the map then the game will be in your hands.


Bush checking is a very dangerous thing when you have no information or vision when playing. For those of you who don’t know what is Bush check, this is the term where you try to find or see the bush content that will be entered. It is very simple, but without good information, when you get into seeing the bush and filled by a team that tries to gank then you will die.

Bush check is often done by a support hero or tank, but it is not mandatory they actually are. Some heroes can do it with a safe method. The example is Selena with the skill trap and stun, Valir with her poke, Hanzo when Ulti active, and others. Getting into the bush with rash and without information is suicide.


The thing that is often not done by the Laner is Miss call. This is often affected by the death of another lane and can lead to your defeat. If you play as a laner often do communication by notifying your opponent when your lane opponent is lost.

If your lane opponent is missing this they are most likely to have rotated, ganking, or roaming. This is particularly dangerous especially vulnerable lane such as mid or safelane where they become the focus of the game.

Besides doing miss call you can also do a gank or trapping counter. These two terms mean when you know the enemy will do the Gank, you are immediately prepared to greet them. An example is when the opponent’s Lane Offlane is lost along with their support, most likely the enemy will be doing a gank to the nearest mid. You can prepare some of the heroes waiting in the bush and instantly do a counter to the unconscious enemy gank.


The thing that beginners often do is not to exploit the opportunity, effectiveness, and also not play the game with a solid. In other ARTS, RTS, or MOBA games, this is often said to be a low APM game. APM is Action Per Minute which means this is the average action you do in a minute. Although APM can not be implemented in mobile games, but the case you can understand. By playing active, not wasting time, effective, and also very stable then your game more meaningful.

One of the things that matters to you when playing ML is rotation. Rotation you need to do when the task in your lane is clean and go to another lane without long. By rotating to another lane eat you can help them do poke, hararab, or kill. Often beginners play ML when farming in the lane and clean creep, they silence waiting for the creep to come.

By rotating then you will also complicate the information and vision of the opponent and give you the advantage. In fact you do not need to go to another lane, just by entering and invade jungle opponent already counted get good information.


Besides, there are things that you should pay attention to especially if you play support or assassin, which is roam. Roam can be roughly interpreted as a method of breastfeeding the entire map. It can be done when playing to get information especially in the opponent area. You can do two types of roam, which are ordinary roam or deep roam. These two things will be very important depending on your situation.

Regular Roam will be done by the support that is usually accompanied by an assassin or other available hero. They will usually take a location or look for important information respectively. An example is if roaming on the Sidelane, good thing you are looking for information to the enemy jungle to steal the buff or see the opponent’s assassin movements. Mid is usually a focus because it is in the middle of a strategic map.


In Mobile Legends There are indeed some very powerful heroes and benefited when searching for information. These heroes you can use if you plan to play safer in lane and also help your team. These heroes are the hero Mage, support and tanks in Mobile Legends. But this does not mean other heroes cannot.

A very dangerous thing when playing solo is bushchecking. When planning to get into the bush without any information, this is the same as suicide because it is very risky to do. Some heroes such as Kagura, Valir, Diggie, and others can do bush check very safely. There is a reason these three heroes are very difficult to in the Gank at high rank because they can play very safe and have early information.

Not only are the Bushcheck heroes only, but the hero giving a very wide vision can also be your flagship hero. The most common for heroes that provide useful information are Ling, Aldous, and Hanzo. These three heroes can give your team the opponent’s location information effectively. Ling can get around very quickly, Aldous thanks to his ulti skills, Hanzo can also use Ulti to roam and open folders.


There are a few things you can do to make use of your team’s position information. Remember that it is very important information and vision for a team, this can be utilized as a trap too. An example is to do a fake push. This can be done when utilizing strategic location and also vision of the opponent.

You guys can pretend to do a push with some heroes waiting in the bush near the tower. The hurried enemies come to protect the tower as surely as you will be exposed to your ambush. This is, of course, the more you use it when you fight an unskilled enemy and not be careful. It can also be implemented elsewhere such as Turle or Lord.

Not only that you can even do a split push without realizing the enemy. By utilizing timings and a very strategic location. You can wait for an enemy that is too focused on a friend’s hero and you can push on another lane. Although it is quite risky and less so effective in an uncompact team, you can try this with your friends.

The very dangerous thing is when the enemies play very compact. This can even hurt you because it is very difficult to fight against enemies that control gameplay and also map information in Mobile Legends. All you need to remember is to play not so recklessly without the map information your team has acquired.


In the game certainly not all the things you want will run so smoothly. You have to play with no stiffness and have a lot of options. With flexibility when playing Mobile Legends you will be greatly benefited. When the enemy has an advantage in the net worth and also the control of the map, do not play the rash, playing passive and also prepare a lot of traps and ambush.

Instead you also have to do when you have the advantage. You have to play by utilizing the tempo and also continue to libas the enemies that are seen with care of course. The frequent Comeback in Mobile Legends is when a team who plays recklessly and throwing.

You must have the Mobile Legends folder information and you have to adapt to that information. If the enemy is too much in one lane, then you have to push the other lane. If the enemy is playing balanced, gather your team and push one point.

In addition you have to make use of the conditions when the enemies play starts unreasonable. ML which is also arguably a mental game. This can be utilized when enemies play unnatural and give them pressure.

That’s some tips and strategies for controlling folders and vision in full Mobile Legends. It is very important for you to learn and also you are prepress because with this you will be easy with winning. Start by doing basics like ganking, roaming, rotation, and traping. By playing very effectively you can take advantage of the many gaps that you can do to keep your team getting a very far advantage

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