8 Strengths and Weaknesses of Melissa Mobile Legends (ML)

According to Esportsku, you should know this. Until you will become more use of some of the advantages and avoid the shortage of the hero so that the game is better.

Mobile Legends has released many heroes with good and very strong abilities for you to use. Included with 8 Strengths and Weaknesses of Hero Melissa Mobile Legends (ML), it does include such great strength. Even the advantages and disadvantages of Hero Melissa that you can pay attention to, so you don’t get confused with it. According to Esportsku, you should know this. Until you will become more use of some of the advantages and avoid the shortage of the hero so that the game is better.

The ability of a strong Hero by the name of Melissa, you really have to pay close attention so you don’t get confused with the usage that we will use. Because indeed this new Hero has the potential with great abilities, so we will definitely become even stronger.

Have High Attack Speed

The first part of this hero has a very high Attack Speed, even that makes it even more dangerous. Moreover, if you have used her 1st Skill, Melissa is able to provide greater total damage and a fairly high additional Attack Speed.

So that every attack we give to the enemy, will definitely be hit faster and you don’t need to be confused by that. The faster and faster Melissa’s attacks, the more the total damage we give will be felt to the enemy.

Have Your Own Blink Skill

Now you also have to be able to take advantage of Skill 1 from this Hero, because you can use the Dash to escape. Even so, my Esports still gives advice to you, to keep using the Flicker Spell as a backup in the future.

Especially with the additions that we will receive using Skill 1, it does help Melissa not be easily caught by the enemy. So that’s what will make him stronger, even providing great potential when you use it in this match.

Have Strong Protection

Hero Melissa has strong protection and really helps you compete, even it will protect you from enemies. So Melissa is able to issue a Shield that blocks the Enemy from approaching her, but this is only for 4 seconds.

So that we will also know that Strong Protection will allow players to survive for a short time. Until a hero who has a close attack range, then Melissa will also not be too difficult for you to use later.

Can Give Curse To Enemy

Skill 2 of Melissa’s Hero will issue a Puppet, dealing temporary damage and binding aura to one enemy. Then if it is hit by this Curse, the enemy will receive more damage because Melissa attacks the Puppet.

The damage that the enemy will receive if it is Critical from the Puppet, then he will also receive the same thing. That’s Melissa’s true strength, even if you do this when the build is ready, it definitely feels easier to face the enemies in the match.

Old Blink Skill Cooldown

Even though you can get a Cooldown reduction, Melissa’s Skill 1 is actually quite long when using it. Of course with the Old Blink Skill, of course this will have an effect when you are facing an enemy in a match.

Even the Cooldown of the Blink Skill may be read by the enemy, because it doesn’t blink too fast like Flicker. That should be something we have to pay attention to, so that you guys don’t experience anything disturbed from here. If you are active on Skill 2, try to attack your opponent so that the Cooldown of Skill 1 will decrease later.

Having Difficulty In Early Game

This passive hero can indeed deal great damage to Summons and Minions, but actually Melissa has a weakness in the Early Game. That’s because this hero’s Mana is too wasteful at the start of the game, then Movement Speed ​​also really depends on Skill 1.

If you continue to use Skills 1 and 2 continuously without regen, it will feel like it’s all gone. Even when activating Ultimate, it’s clear that your Mana will be drained because of something like this.

Doesn’t Protect From Remote Attack

Hero Mobile Legends has its own uniqueness and level of difficulty. There are specialists in blocking enemy movements or kidnapping and killing enemies in a fast time. This time there is Natalia ML’s Hero Counter for her Passive Skill!

Heroes who can give this attack such as Marksman, Mage and Support are able to penetrate Melissa’s defenses. So because Melissa’s Shield is able to stun those who want to get close to her, this effect will not protect her from long-range hero damage like the 3 Esports Roles I mentioned.

Of course, something like this will indeed have an effect and is quite dangerous if you do a Duel. Especially if the Duel is against Aurora and Eudora, even the finished Marksman will definitely run out Melissa even though the Shield itself is active.

Still Losing If Beaten

Even though Melissa has activated her Shield, don’t think the enemy will stand still and will finish you off alone. So if, for example, Melissa activates the Shield, maybe the enemies who are initially difficult will become easier to fight, because Melissa’s Rush or Kroyok uses the Shield.

Even if the enemy doesn’t have a Marksman or Mage at all, but if they wait until the Ultimate finishes, they immediately lose. Even though the attack is strong with a Shield capable of defending it, but unfortunately if the enemy plays Groyok, they will lose instantly too.

After knowing the 8 Strengths and Weaknesses of Hero Melissa in Mobile Legends (ML), those of you who like this hero must pay close attention to how to play. Because of these advantages and disadvantages, I will explain to you so that you know the positions that we must avoid and learn when using them. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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