Anti Khaleed Items in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will discuss about anti-Khaleed Mobile Legends (ML) items that might help you. It is hoped that these items can help you when you play against Khaleed later.

Khaleed may not be as popular as he used to be, but he is still very strong now. Maybe this anti-Khaleed Mobile Legends (ML) item can help you play. Himself is a bit difficult to fight on the lane. Here we will discuss about anti-Khaleed Mobile Legends (ML) items that might help you. It is hoped that these items can help you when you play against Khaleed later.

Khaleed’s excellence comes from its high sustain and damage. He can provide AoE damage quickly, open teamfight, and have damage reduction that is bundled with heal.

But he’s easy enough to fight if you know what you have to do. You have to take advantage of this from the heroes and items that will be used. Don’t you guys do it wrong.

Of course, he can’t be careless when playing against Khaleed because he can take advantage of blunders easily. The high damage and sustain make Khaleed quite strong on the lane.

Sea Halberd

You must bring Sea Halberd to fight Khaleed thanks to his skillset. This is because he is strong from heal skill 2 and definitely uses spellvamp items that you must counter when fought.

Necklace Of Durance

Same as Sea Halberd, the main reason you buy this item is to reduce heal from Khaleed. But the Necklace of Durance is intended for magic users, not physical like Sea Halberd.

Malefic Roar

Malefic Roar is also suitable for you to use if you want to penetrate Khaleed’s armor. He usually does buy armor items, but even if he doesn’t buy armor you can still take advantage of this item’s damage.

Divine Glaive

Same with Malefic Roar, you need to melt Khaleed fast. This item is for a magical hero, so don’t buy it wrong. This item can provide high damage to magic users.

Holy Crystal

Holy Crystal will provide very high additional damage for magic damage users. This item is suitable for purchase in the midgame or late game. Try to buy this item if you are full damage.

Blade Of Despair

If you are a physical hero user, this item is what you need to buy. With the high damage offered and also a strong passive effect, of course it will be effective against Khaleed.

Those are some anti-Khaleed Mobile Legends (ML) items that can be a reference for you. Try adding these items to your build if you have trouble fighting Khaleed in Mobile Legends later. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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