Appearance of Skin Collector Gusion Night Owl Mobile Legends (ML)

In the Mobile Legends game itself, there are several interesting updates that you can try to find out about. For example, this time for an explanation of the Skin Collector Gusion Night Owl in Mobile Legends (ML). You can immediately understand this later.

For those of you players who play MLBB games quite often, you certainly understand that this game always provides interesting new content to try.

For example, with some content for existing events or skins, this certainly makes players even more curious about how to get them.

Before giving a more detailed explanation below, of course you can check the list of all existing Mobile Legends (MLBB) Skin Collectors this time.

The list regarding several Collector skins in the MLBB game is certainly interesting enough for you to know which heroes get these skins.

This Mage/Assassin in the MLBB game, Gusion, is indeed one of the most deadly heroes with his dagger skills.

For heroes who have magical damage, they are indeed one of the heroes who have quite large burst damage in the MLBB game this time.

Players in the MLBB game will definitely look attractive from using their heroes when they have one of the cool skins too.

Moreover, with the Collector skin, it definitely makes the appearance of the hero used even more attractive, because of the type of skin.

It’s more interesting because the Collector skin itself is a top tier skin in terms of effects and appearance, especially since the price itself is quite expensive to get this skin.

The topic of discussion in this article is that we will explain a little about the appearance of the Collector Gusion Night Owl skin in the MLBB game.

If you want to know more, you can just look at the article below to find out what the hero who has the skin collector looks like.

Appearance of Skin Collector Gusion Night Owl Mobile Legends (ML)

Moonton presents a skin collector for one of its heroes this time, namely Gusion Night Owl, which can be seen of course in the MLBB game.

With a theme like an owl, it definitely makes the appearance or effect even more unique this time.

A skin that can make the appearance of the Gusion hero wearing an owl ornament even cooler to have, not to mention the added mask that makes the hero appear more aesthetically pleasing as an assassin.

Not to mention the skill effects that you can see in a color that is dominated by purple, this time making the dagger that the hero has this time quite different from usual.

The release of this skin was present in the MLBB game itself in March 2021 through the Grand Collection event.

Of course, for those of you who want to get this skin, you will have to spend a lot of diamonds because at the Grand Collection event itself you can get the skin with approximately 5000 diamonds.

Moreover, players who want to get this skin again can participate in several collaboration events or the latest Grand Collection events.

Because in this event players will also be able to see whether Collector Gusion skins are included in the prize pool.

Even though it is very random, you can attend every new event that is present in the game by including the hero skin.

Therefore, you can also check some of the latest updates from the event and can also see by checking each existing prize pool.

Gusion himself, as one of the Assassin heroes in the MLBB game, cannot be categorized as the main choice of hero pick at this time.

Heroes who are required to have fast hand abilities when playing in this game are quite difficult with the meta in the latest season of the MLBB game this time.

So maybe later this hero will also get the latest changes that will come in the MLBB game update.

From these changes it is also possible that more interesting new skins will appear, so that Gusion hero users can also appear in the future.

Even though the hero Gusion himself, as is known, already has several types of skin, such as elite, special, starlight, collector and even a Legend skin.

Let’s just wait for the latest update so that you players, especially your favorite hero Gusion, can come back to the Land of Dawn this time.

Regarding this explanation, you players of the MLBB game this time can also understand what the Gusion hero skin looks like this time from the Collector skin.

Of course you can understand what the Collector skin looks like for the Gusion Night Owl hero in the MLBB game this time.

What do you think about the explanation of this this time with the article discussing the appearance of the Guison hero skin from the Collector type?